Yes, look at the setSpritePhysicsForce and setSpritePhysicsImpulse commands. I would guess the second suits your needs more.
If you want to apply a force based on your sprite angle then use something like:
force# = 100.0 `or some other value
angle# = getSpriteAngle(spriteID)
forceX# = force#*sin(angle#)
forceY# = force#*cos(angle#)
setSpritePhysicsImpulse(spriteID, getSpriteXbyOffset(spriteID), getSpriteYbyOffset(spriteID), forceX#, forceY#)
You may need to add or take away some factor of 90.0 to your sprite angle depending on what angle the 'ship' is at in the image.
this.mess = abs(sin(times#))