Okay, I couldn't not try it myself.
I created the following code:
SetVirtualResolution(640, 480)
AddVirtualButton( 3, getvirtualwidth()/2, getvirtualheight()/2 - 150, 75 )
AddVirtualButton( 4, getvirtualwidth()/2, getvirtualheight()/2, 75 )
AddVirtualButton( 5, getvirtualwidth()/2, getvirtualheight()/2 + 150, 75 )
setvirtualbuttontext (3, "Play")
setvirtualbuttontext (4, "Options")
setvirtualbuttontext (5, "Quit")
// show buttons
for i=1 to 5
if GetVirtualButtonExists(i) = 1 then print("have button #"+str(i))
next i
Print("click to close")
// check for done
if getPointerPressed()=1 then exit
When run in Windows, both v1076 and v1083 showed that only virtual buttons 3, 4 and 5 existed.
Then I broadcast to the appropriate Player (the v1076 self-built, the v1083 from the TGC My Products page).
It worked the same as in Windows for both versions. So, I cannot confirm this as an AppGameKit issue for v1083. The short snippet works okay.
Might there be somewhere else in your code that is possibly creating the phantom button?
Ancient Lady
AGK Community Tester