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Dark GDK / Someone summarise where we are at with DarkGDK, DarkGDK.Net and DarkGDK 2.0 rc

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Posted: 17th Nov 2012 09:51 Edited at: 17th Nov 2012 09:53
Hi All,

If I go now to Mistral's website and electronically order DarkGDK (rather than downloading DarkGDK 2.0 rc 4 - which btw will not install) will I actually get the purchased software (noting Mistral has done a 'Lord Lucan' and vanished) and what will I get with a purchase? Will the purchase give me DarkGDK 1.0?

Also, how does DarkGDK.Net differ from the above (ok, I get that it is meant to integrate with Visual Studio and Visual C#...)

Where do I find and download DarkGDK.Net (which I presume is the very same thing as GDK.Net)??

Someone give me clarity please... thanks

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...
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Posted: 17th Nov 2012 12:02
You can get a "commercial" copy of GDK 2.0 RC4 from Mistrel's website. This is a separate product/purchase from GDK 1.0 which is on sale from TGC. GDK 2.0 uses the latest DBPro libraries and has a few things on top of that, albeit as of today final is not yet released. DarkGDK .NET again is a completely different product that will allow you to work only with .NET.

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 17th Nov 2012 14:43 Edited at: 17th Nov 2012 14:44
Dark GDK - Product developed by TGC. It's a C++ Library designed for making games.
Dark GDK.NET - Product developed by ApexNow. It's a .NET wrapper of Dark GDK, but you can only use it in C# and Visual Basic.
Dark GDK 2.0
- Product developed by Mistrel. Originally it was for Pure Basic under the name of Pure GDK. Mistrel developed version 2 to create a version of the Dark GDK library that'll work with a number of languages, including C++, C#, Pure Basic and Visual Basic. It was rebranded Dark GDK 2.0 because it was no longer specific to Pure Basic.

Dark GDK 2.0 seemed like it would make other versions of the GDK obsolete as it covered all the previous languages and more and of course it would be up-to-date with the latest DBP libraries. Unfortunately Mistrel is MIA. This is why I went ahead and bought Dark GDK.NET and didn't wait around for him to return. It's a really cool project and I hope he's not gone for good.

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Posted: 17th Nov 2012 16:07
Quote: "This is why I went ahead and bought Dark GDK.NET and didn't wait around for him to return. It's a really cool project and I hope he's not gone for good."

Same goes for me, to add to the above, if you have not already got GDK/.NET or never played with C++/C# like me, then I would suggest getting GDK/.NET now and learn them and then you have GDK 2.0 as a free upgrade according to what I recall Mistrel saying... [Someone correct me if I was wrong...]

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Posted: 17th Nov 2012 16:08 Edited at: 17th Nov 2012 16:09
@ Olby, MrValentine & Seppuka Arts - thanks for putting me on the level.

A couple of questions:-

- where do I get Dark GDK on the TGC website? I can only seem to find the PureGDK link in the store?

- Do I need to buy Dark GDK before I download Dark GDK.Net?

- where do I get the Dark GDK.Net? (I am just getting in to learning C# (Visual C# Express) with XNA 4.00)

[edit] @ MrValentine - ok, where do I get them? where do I get them?

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...
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Posted: 17th Nov 2012 16:23 Edited at: 17th Nov 2012 16:24

Quote: "- Do I need to buy Dark GDK before I download Dark GDK.Net?


Quote: "ok, where do I get them? where do I get them?"


Quote: "ok, where do I get them? where do I get them!?


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Posted: 17th Nov 2012 16:41
@ MrValentine,

Excellent thanks. Going for Dark GDK.Net now.

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...
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Posted: 17th Nov 2012 16:47
Thank you too Welcome, hopefully I can learn with you as well

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 17th Nov 2012 19:01 Edited at: 17th Nov 2012 19:01
The non-commercial version of Dark GDK is free and it can be found here. Though there's no free version of DGDK.NET.

It all depends on what you'd rather use: C++, C#, VB or Purebasic. Personally I love C#. There's resources out there fore learning all of the types of Dark GDK's. I personally prefer using C# because it cuts out some of the work C++ requires as C++ can be more fussy, but then it's a LOT more flexible.

The DGDK community isn't massive, but there's no harm in asking questions if they were ever needed.

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