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Dark GDK / Is Dark GDK 2.0 officially dead ?

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Posted: 27th Nov 2012 14:41

Is Dark GDK 2.0 a dead product now ? Can any body shed some light on the where-about of Mistrel and status of RC5 ?

This is so frustrating!

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Posted: 27th Nov 2012 18:09
I am starting to wonder what his last communication on the forum was... And I think I recall mention of some sort of trip or something for the Winter period... But yeah... I do hope all is in order...

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Posted: 27th Nov 2012 19:31
Quote: "And I think I recall mention of some sort of trip or something for the Winter period..."

Never heard of it. It would be nice if you could dig that up for all of us to see and put our trembling minds to rest.

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AGK Backer
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Posted: 27th Nov 2012 20:02
I am uncertain if it was him who mentioned it but I just wanted to save the chance that he may have done a runner... For all we know... We can only depict the worst case scenarios... He got injured... Some sort of family issue... Natural disaster... Local social issues... A plethora more...

Does TGC not have any answers? I believe they liased with him on the project... I want to see a .NET GDK2.0... I bought GDK .NET 1.0 for the tIme being...

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Posted: 28th Nov 2012 21:03
Quote: "Does TGC not have any answers?"

They better do.. If I would to allow someone use my brand title I'd definitely keep in touch to make sure they deliver the promise. Such issues damage the overall image of DGDK.

Intel Core i7 Quad 2.3 Ghz, 8GB RAM, GeForce GT 630M 2GB, Windows 7 HP (x64), DirectX 11, PureBasic 5.00 (x86)
Juggalo Memnoch
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Posted: 29th Nov 2012 00:34
Yeah it would be nice if someone from TGC addressed this for all the people who either bought or are planning on buying DarkGDK 2.0.
There's really no point in purchasing it if there's no plans on it being finished. I understand things happen (Hopefully nothing too
serious, I hope for the best for Mistrel) but don't leave the community to wonder. I'm not trying to complain or anything I'm just
curious to what's going on & what's TGC's take on the situation.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2012 04:11
Same, these bugs are making me question if I should just continue my game with another engine.

I hate DarkGDK v1 so that's not an option xD

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