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Dark GDK / Help With Cloud system

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Joined: 7th Dec 2012
Location: United States
Posted: 8th Dec 2012 05:50
Hello i have been searching for days and i just figured out hot to do 3d animations on a plain for explosion effects and stuff like that but how can i create a cloud system. I tried this. It worked; however, it was a very bad lag which I kind of anticipated since it is a 3000 x 3000 image .

Can some one please help me create a better code?

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Joined: 5th Dec 2009
Posted: 8th Dec 2012 19:57
You can reduce the image size to a managable level and use multiple planes (one for each cloud).

The fastest code is the code never written.
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Joined: 7th Dec 2012
Location: United States
Posted: 8th Dec 2012 21:54
That is a good idea. I will try that. One thing I just tried that came out very well was i loaded the sky box, then a transparent sky sphere with a noise map and rotated it very slowly and it gives a very good scrolling cloud effect.
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Joined: 5th Dec 2009
Posted: 9th Dec 2012 14:58
Using multiple spheres rotating at different speeds could also add to the effect.

The fastest code is the code never written.

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