hmmm... can't load images. I've tried relative paths, default, etc. I looked at example code and even tried loading an image from an example project, but debug output keeps saying failed to load uiimage. I have the image placed in the root folder of the project, just like in the example. All I get is a big white square. Here's my code:
// Includes, namespace and prototypes
#include "template.h"
using namespace AGK;
app App;
// Begin app, called once at the start
void app::Begin( void )
// use device resolution
agk::SetVirtualResolution ( m_DeviceWidth, m_DeviceHeight );
agk::LoadImage(1, "small_ball.png");
// Main loop, called every frame
void app::Loop ( void )
// Called when the app ends
void app::End ( void )
*Edit: I've been using VC++ for years and am not used to Xcode. Maybe I need to add the image as a resource?