I'm getting this issue in the 1.08 beta 5. The code worked fine until I added the following (from what I remember) at the top of main.agc.
startnum = 1
print( startnum )
startnum = startnum && 2
print( startnum )
Until GetPointerReleased() = 1
Now every time I run this project I get the above error, even when I remove the above code. :S
I don't get this error with a new project, nor do I get it with the sample code above in a new project, only with this current one. I've tried restarting AppGameKit, the laptop, editing the source in notepad++ the reopening in AppGameKit in case any unseen characters were sneaking their way in there, and nothing works.
Any ideas? My source is only 918 lines across 7 source files.
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