I guess I would do something like this, based on your example:
rem load a health bar
createsprite ( 1000, 0 )
setspritesize ( 1000, 60, 5 )
setspriteposition ( 1000, 200, 100 )
setspritecolor( 1000, 0, 255, 0, 125 )
global health# = 1.0
global damage# = 0.1
// can take 10 hits before the meter is empty
// or bigger hits could reduce meter more, say - 0.3
if GetSpriteExists ( 202 )
if GetSpriteCollision ( 1, 202 ) = 1
health# = health# - damage#
if health# < 0.0 then health# = 0.0
SetSpriteSize(1000, 60 * health#, 5)
Well, I probably wouldn't do that, but something similar. It's an idea anyway
My hovercraft is full of eels