I'm using Tier 1 on windows because I haven't managed
to set up Tier 2 yet.
But I'm more interested in c++ since I have programms
running in Dark GDK.
Here is what I do:
first i go to "My Account"
and download "AGK Mac OS X Installer - v1076"
then I unzip and get an AppGameKit folder
in the folder I go Projects/Native/iOS/projects/Box2D-Box2D
(( why is there in "Native" iOS, Mac OS, Windows, Windows_VS2010
when i downloaded the instaler for Mac OSX ??? ))
and dubble click on Box2D-Box2D.xcodeproj.
Xcode opens and goes throu loading and indexing,
then I press "Run", it tells me "Build Succeeded"
then it opens iPad 6.0 Simulator with the AppGameKit Logo.
After this iPad simulator goes into the background and
xcode shows -
left side
AGK(Logo) Template Paused
Thread 1
13 AGK::agk:
and in the editor
0x1d1c0: movl -12(%ebp), %ecx Thread 1:signal SIGABRT
Thats all I have, I hope it helps.