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Dark GDK / Animation Sprite someone seriously help me!!!!!!1

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Joined: 6th Sep 2010
Posted: 8th Jan 2013 02:48
Man it has been year now and I'm still lost.
This problem had make me given up on DarkGDK GameDevelopment.
I really need help on Animation sprite.
Let say I'm creating a fighting game and I gold a full sprite sheet of the player.
For explain how would I load up each animation.
Like standing,running,jumping. Man DarkGDK would not freaking let me use a sheet full of 1000 frame on it.
So how is it done, it been year now I'm still unable to freaking do this man.

the legendary master
Mr Bigglesworth
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Joined: 4th Mar 2008
Posted: 8th Jan 2013 03:40 Edited at: 8th Jan 2013 03:40
You have to load the sprite sheet image and write a function to divide it up into individual frames.

This is a good example:

It doesn't use DarkGDK, but converting the code isn't to rough with some additional research (the stuff is good to know).
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Joined: 30th May 2007
Posted: 15th Jan 2013 16:15


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