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Dark GDK / Thinking about getting into Dark GDK and I have some questions

BN2 Productions
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Posted: 8th Jan 2013 05:18
After many years of DBC usage, I've decided to branch out. I've been really enjoying c++ over the last few months and, since it's free, thought that gdk would be a good "next step".

My questions are:
1) From glancing around on the forums a bit, it seems like GDK is more or less a library of DBPro commands rather than a re-inventing. As such it doesn't seem like it is an object oriented type library. Is this right or am I just not reading things correctly?

2) Is there a set of tutorials that provide a good intro to help get the ball rolling? I didn't see anything in the stickies, but I've been known to miss things like that before.


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Posted: 8th Jan 2013 05:35
GDK is not free per-se but free to use while learning, commercially you require a licence.

It is OOP as far as I am aware...

I personally invested in GDK.NET as GDK2 looks dead in the water for whatever reason and personally I wish to get into C#/C#.NET, Seppuku Arts has a handy tutorial for GDK.NET with VS2012

And yeah GDK is basically a wrapper for DBP in C++ as is GDK.NET

Sorry but I cannot comment too much about the OOP aspects, but as far as I know it is.

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Posted: 8th Jan 2013 19:43
It's only oop if you use it like that. There are the GDK commands, but you make your own structures and processes that you can use to drive information to the GDK engine.

As far as tutorials, I don't think there are any. You just have to jump in with both feet and start swimming. There are plenty of people here to help.

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BN2 Productions
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Posted: 9th Jan 2013 21:29 Edited at: 9th Jan 2013 21:31
Ok, maybe I'll give it a go.

More of what I was noticing for the oop issue was that it LOOKED like (again, I only really am familiar with DBC) things such as object numbers were still required. This caught me off guard as I would have expected the approach to be a 3d object class, and you would reference by the object itself, rather than an index elsewhere.

One more thing, I have been using an IDE that I really like, but it uses MingW for it's compiler. It seems like GDK is set up for visual studio. Are their libraries for MingW or will I have to get studio?

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"Time...LINE??? Time isn't made out of is made out of circles. That is why clocks are round!" -Caboose
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Posted: 10th Jan 2013 01:47
Quote: "More of what I was noticing for the oop issue was that it LOOKED like (again, I only really am familiar with DBC) things such as object numbers were still required. This caught me off guard as I would have expected the approach to be a 3d object class, and you would reference by the object itself, rather than an index elsewhere."

DarkGDK is a straight wrapper of DBP with some small features given to the C++ programmers(extra access to DX, etc). Object IDs are still needed, there are no built-in structs or classes to use other than DirectX objects, and it is definitely not created with OOP in mind.

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Posted: 13th Jan 2013 03:20
As for use with mingw, the source to GDK has been released as open-source so if you are so inclined, you could compile your own mingw variety. However, I've not heard of anyone doing so but the opportunity is there...



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