Quote: "Are you trying to use the Eclipse simulator?"
Quote: "You seem to indicate that you are using the Wiki v1076 template. Is it safe to assume that you set your Android environment up using v1076?"
Well, things used to compile, although, I'll install AppGameKit 1.076 once again, just to be sure that I am using correct version.
Quote: "Did you do a clean before each build (to make sure old 'bad' stuff is gone)?"
Quote: "If you did a build while Eclipse was open, did you refresh the project in Eclipse before you tried to run it? (Select your project and press the F5 key, and it doesn't give any response.)"
By the way, have you got an idea why NDK does not support <functional> header? I have included STL with APP_STL := gnustl_static inside Application.mk. <string> and so on works, but not <functional>. I guess they haven't included it within gnustl or something.