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Dark GDK / Streaming from Mocap Data Setup Help

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Joined: 22nd May 2010
Posted: 9th Jan 2013 23:58
Hello Everyone,

I am trying to setup my project so it has the capability to stream in some Mocap data from another program.

I am a little rusty on linking and using c++ but the instructions to get up and running from the MoCap documentation are as follows:

Your application should
 #include “Client.h”
 Link against “ViconDataStreamSDK_CPP.lib”
 Redistribute:
o “ViconDataStreamSDK_CPP.dll”
o “Microsoft.VC8.CRT” (x86) or “Microsoft.VC9.CRT” (x64).

Now I have put the Client.h in the include directory of DarkGDK and the ViconDataStreamSDK_CPP.lib in the lib folder. The one thing I am unsure of is how to Redistribute the .dll and Microsoft.VC8.crt.

Would any one be able to give me some support on this?

NOTE: Using Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition.

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