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Work in Progress / New Super Mario World changing to Reggie World

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Posted: 12th Jan 2013 01:55 Edited at: 27th Jan 2014 11:07
Latest Version still 0.18

Preview pics for the City :

Screenshot from one of the Roof Levels.
The game now also Features :

-Text box block.
-shocking Transformators.
-new Walking animations.
-more than one tiletype per Level styleset.
-a new save Point design.

Old all new preview:

ghosting Terrain:

Intro preview:

I Need to polish my World sequences a Little, because they where only whatched with mediocre Attention by my friends.

gameplay video of the latest released demo Version:,
new block types back then:the enemy block and the portable block

-not all graphics are replaced yet.

-Background objects scrolling is not adapted to smooth scrolling.

-World Map isn´t displayed correctly anymore, because it will be replaced by something different and better, stay tuned for this.

Latest Version 0.18

Download it Here: around 16 MB)


0.16 to 0.18
-reshaded Terrain tiles, to make it easier to spot steep sections.
-edited the Levels a bit.
(cant remember the rest, as I have forgotten to post this update for a while...)

0.15 to 0.16

-Added two new block types.
-Fixed last bugs that resulted from previous engine changes.
-Changed jumping height and mommentum again.
-Made Blocks between Player and camera transparent.
-Added Blocks that can contain a jump pad or a power block.
-Fences are now 100% displayed correctly.
-Fixed a bug that could pause the game forever when rotating the camera.
-Added XOffset to camera position when in side view, which is dependant on how long and how fast you move in a direction, allows you to look further when camera is in side view.
-Fixed false collision of power ups with blocks.
-Started to fade terrain triangles based on the direction they look.
Also faded plains of large objects and terrain wall objects.
-Objects that can be carried are no longer lost if they are erased due to level scrolling, you can now put them where you want and they should always be reloaded properly.
-Background Objects are now positioned correctly.
-Last entrance is now additionally a save point.
-Added readme file.
-Removed command line options, these are now in the settings.ini along with the joystick button codes.
-Hopefully did the last change to Reggies collision box.

0.131 to 0.15
-Changed jumping velocity again,
with less jumping and falling maximum speed (more airtime).
-Builded the games Terrain out of triangles instead of using two 3d matrices, reduces stuttering when the "terrain" scrolls, also saved me some triangles.
-Sliding speed now carrys over to movement mommentum correctly when jumping.
-World map is under construction now.
I will draw the world maps Terrain with a higher Tile Count also updating the style of the path between levels and how new paths reveal themselves.

0.13 to 0.131
-coins will are now 100% over the terrain height, when loaded.
-Added a very easy (i think) and short first level.
-Fixed lost mommentum, that could occur when walking over the ledge of a static collision box.

0.125 to 0.13

-slowed down mommentum loss when in mid air a lot.
-Made controller buttons customizable through settings.ini.
Thanks to Chris Tate.
-Added one sound effect by Chris Tate,
the impact sound when you hit an enemy.

0.12 to 0.125
-included some of my sound attempts into the game
-fixed two very anoying and hopefully last moving platform bugs.

0.11 to 0.12

-Fixed backwards map loading bug.

-Fixed missing shadows underneath cannon bullets.

-Added command line code by Chris Tate to alter game resolution, windowed mode and the option to add a custom sleep timer.

Example: 1024,768,5,1
1.parameter: X size
2.Parameter: Y size
3.Parameter: sleep value
4.Parameter: 0=full screen, 1=windowed mode

-By building the game with matrix1 plugins installed I have noticed a speed boost of the whole game. Up to 4 times faster on my computer now.

0.1 to 0.11:

-Fixed bug where terrain didn´t load properly due to a high Timer value when running at 10-20 fps.

-Fixed bug where you couldn´t pick up your power block or spring after the first pick up. (Could have made some levels impossible)

-Speed values of Power Blocks and Springs are now calculated from movement speed, rather than giving them a fixed speed value.

0.07 to 0.1

-annoying terrain "no collision at all" bug,
below certain frame rates has just been fixed
-added timer based movement
-enemy collision drastically improved
-added two new levels
-added jump combos (gain a life if you hit 7 enemys in a row)
-static collision also improved again.
-Changed power up model for mushroom.
-two new enemys ( haunted books and zombie cop )
-new platform type, falls if you stand to long on it.
-don´t mind the new title screen, will be replaced entirely
-new control options (no option menu though).

previous version to 0.07:

-changed display to full desktop mode.
-added vsync.
-fixed some collision bugs happening to enemys.
-changed dying scene when killed by enemy contact.

Controls are:

<Shift> or <A button> or <mouse click left>: Jump
<Ctrl> or <X Button> or <mouse click right>: Run and to carry objects (must be holded)
<q>, <LB> or <RB> : switch camera modes
<Space> or <B Button> or <mouse click middle> : Spin Jump
<Arrow Keys> or <Left Stick> or <wasd>: Move around
(corresponding to the camera view)
<Enter Key> needed to get past the title screen.

Changes planed to differentiate the title a little more from SMW:

-as far as flying goes, I will give the player a jetpack which fuel recharges when staying on the ground.

-Some replacement for yoshy, which is more suited to the 3d gameplay but I am still thinking about the design.

-Special Items to use once within a level like hovering boots which will help you not to fall of so easily of a ledge, a one hit absorbing forcefield etc. These items will be bought with the coins you have maximal collected per level.

-Those warp pipes will be removed and there are not going to be piranha plants, I think I rather go with some kind of hovering platforms that shoot at you and ninjas appearing out of nowhere.

-I love NSMW block system, so I will go with that, maybe adding some special blocks like locked treasure boxes, boxes that suddenly become enemys and pickupable Blocks that become water when they touch the ground, so you could fill certain areas with water to find something special.

My current to do list:

current bugs in 1.12 that I am aware of:

-Reggies Sliding speed is currently not correct related to the game Timer.

-Speed of cop who has just lost his helmet is not related correctly to the game Timer.

-Adding a water engine.
-Adding some option screens.
-Adding a pause option.
-Adding a game over screen.
-Adding a display settings tool.
-Make single blocks also transparent,
when between camera and player.
-Correct enemy collision with diagonal walls.
-Fix disappearance of transparent sky cylinders due to camera
range issues.

-Designing new power up modells.
-Making an island tileset.

Chris Tate
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Posted: 12th Jan 2013 02:18
Wow that looks like fun; how did you make it?

I like how the levels flow and design looks good. Obviously as you say you will deviate from being a Mario clone.

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Posted: 12th Jan 2013 09:21
I am almost speechless man...

Umm camera felt too fast, did you speed up the video?
I love the wall running, how did you achieve that?
What physics engine are you using? as I would love to figure out how you did the moving platforms...

Cannot wait to see where this goes!

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Posted: 12th Jan 2013 13:27
Quote: "
Umm camera felt too fast, did you speed up the video?
I love the wall running, how did you achieve that?
What physics engine are you using? as I would love to figure out how you did the moving platforms...

I am using my own physics engine + the static collision routine built into dbpro. I am just checking the "ground" the character is on and based on that updating x, z and y coordinates.

For platforms, the players x y and z coordinates become the platforms coordinates + an offset which is calculated once when the player lands on a platform and then updated according to his movement.

For the wall running I check if the player is on a certain block and if he is also colliding with the wall fitting the direction of the wall run block. Then the only thing left is to check the characters former speed vectors, to determine if he ran fast enough against the wall to be able to run up. While running up a wall like in the video, the players speed vector for z is added to y the x speed vector is still adding to x. If the z speed vector is under a certain ammount or if the character isn´t colliding with the wall anymore or if he tries to jump
then wall running is disabled.

As for the camera, the video is at original speed.

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Posted: 12th Jan 2013 13:30
{head explodes}

In that case, it is waaaay too fast I think... What fps rate are you using? or are you using timer based movement?


Ashingda 27
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Posted: 12th Jan 2013 16:47
I thought it was speed up as well, I'd probably be constantly falling off to my death if I play it lol.

Good job on it, I've recently started exploring 3D programming and this is good inspiration.

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Posted: 14th Jan 2013 16:46
Here is a video showing the game @ 50 fps instead of 60, which felt very slow in my opinion, tell me what you think about this speed.

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Posted: 14th Jan 2013 17:56
That feels a little more manageable... almost close to the speed of Super Mario 64

Ashingda 27
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Posted: 14th Jan 2013 18:45
I still think it's a little fast then again my response time is a bit below average. The movement speed feels about right but the jump is too high and the gravity is too strong.

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Posted: 15th Jan 2013 22:50
thx for the reply, I am planning to reduce the maximum jump height.

Reducing the gravity, would make the game easier as well.

I will upload a demo during this week with changed physics, so you can try it hands on and critizise it in more detail.

Thx again for your replies.

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Posted: 15th Jan 2013 23:12
All it needs is the background music with some sound fx and you're all set! I can't wait to be fallin' off those ledges and platforms

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Posted: 16th Jan 2013 09:50
The music is allready there, I am just to dumb to record it with fraps. I now just need some SFX, currently there is only one sound when you hop on an enemy. Is there a license free sound archieve anybody knows?

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Posted: 16th Jan 2013 10:13
Hey, great project!

How does the perspective change? Does the game do that automatically based on some level trigger or does the user have to press a button?

Quote: "Is there a license free sound archieve anybody knows?"

Check out If I remember correctly each sound can have a different licence, but most of them are free even for commercial use (you just have to credit the author).

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Posted: 16th Jan 2013 10:14 Edited at: 16th Jan 2013 10:16
I just had a go at creating a bouncing effect but it mostly came out with a kind of frizzled effect, any tips on creating these type of effects and I can make it freely available... Royalty Free and Free to use Licence for Commercial and Non-Commercial

Just need more experience in Sound Engineering


I believe FreeSound only works for US based residents... I am not sure if it was them or a similar site but, check with this and read the licence terms...

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Posted: 17th Jan 2013 12:56
Looks promising, but I agree with everyone else, it's way too fast. You can barely see the guy jump, and he's already falling back down before you know it.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2013 13:13
That is a great game, really.
Watching the video, I think that it does feel a little fast, but I don't think that this is a problem. Maybe you should add an option, to allow the user adjust the game speed as needed?

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Posted: 19th Jan 2013 16:37 Edited at: 19th Jan 2013 16:39

I am currently working on a nice level for the Demo.

Also I like to post a preview on the music used in the
grassy levels:

this title has been made by Ashton Morris.

(Edit Link)

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Posted: 30th Jan 2013 01:14 Edited at: 30th Jan 2013 16:22
Here is the Demo, one Level only to try out physics and playability.

Size of the File is 82.5 MB, it will only need the standart directx9 runtime dll and the attached Level files to work properly.

Get it here:

Controls are:

<Shift> or <A button> : Jump
<Ctrl> or <X Button> : Run and to carry objects
<1> or <2>, <LB> or <RB> : switch camera modes
<Space> or <B Button> : Spin Jump
<Arrow Keys> or <Left Stick> : Move around
(corresponding to the camera view)

Edit: Controls

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Posted: 30th Jan 2013 01:59
I am not waiting like an idiot for 1 minute just to download a file... sorry I really get annoyed with those sites... can you use something else like Dropbox?

I know I can just wait 1 minute while typing this, but ugh...

Looking forward to trying this out anyway...

Patters over to the site and waits like a lunatic to download the file...


argh captcha... argh 8 minutes for 85~MB, I give up... and those stupid adverts...

Sorry that just killed the interest for me, Please try Dropbox... that is just stupid I just wasted 5 minutes of my life now...

Chris Tate
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Posted: 30th Jan 2013 06:13
Or use google drive

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Posted: 30th Jan 2013 08:43 Edited at: 30th Jan 2013 09:19
It took about 20 minutes to upload so I figured download would be faster. I am currently uploading it on dropbox, will replace download links.

Download speed on Dropbox now is around 700 KB/s

Links replaced

Ashingda 27
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Posted: 30th Jan 2013 20:24
Might be able to just attach to on this thread? Maybe split it up or something.

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Posted: 30th Jan 2013 23:21 Edited at: 31st Jan 2013 00:16
would I need to attach the two parts to two different posts?

Or can another file be added to the same post once after the first attachment is uploaded?

The Dropbox Link should work and the filesize now is around 62 MB.

Since the Music Files are very large I will try to only include the necessary ones, maybe this will get the file below the 50MB limit.

Edit: With the unnecessary sound files it is now at 33MB, will try to attach it.

Edit: I tried it twice and both times I got an "File exceeded maximum file size" error even though the file is only 33MB.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 00:43 Edited at: 31st Jan 2013 01:34
I doubt for the most of users here [namely myself] the size is not a huge factor... just the delivery method I would still download it even if it was 250+ MB I want to try out your awesome game!


That download does not work so well, can you upload the full version... like the logo screen though, it is ace, after pressing ENTER which is not mentioned, it crashes while demanding the music file, which is just a line error rather than telling me what is wrong... have a look at ERROR TRAPPING in STYX or if possible something similar in Matrix1Utils

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 01:35
Are the dropbox links not working,
is a rar file not accepted as an attachment on the TGC boards?

I would love to be able to attach my files properly here,
any people had the same issue with the filesize exceeded error and was able to solve it?

Thx for your feedback.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 01:42
Nothing wrong with it as it is on Dropbox, the forum has a fixed limit of 50MB

Quote: "
Attachment: or Use the File Uploader applet (Max. 50MB)

Says it right there...

The rars are fine, just worried about users who do not use WinRAR, [Bhahahahaha who doesn't ] probably a good idea to use .zip I hate it but it opens naturally inside Windows Explorer

Hope you read my edit above

Ashingda 27
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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 03:13 Edited at: 31st Jan 2013 03:13
I ran it but doesn't work. I get this window.


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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 09:50 Edited at: 31st Jan 2013 10:00
will change it to 32bit then. Didn´t know there was hardware which dosen´t support 16bit anymore kind of a shame.

Lol after trying it again I also get the music error, seemsI loaded one unnecessary music into the game though, reuploading now...

Edit: Will take around 15 minutes and the 32bit non music crashing version is up. And yes you have to press enter after the title screen, try using a Xbox 360 controller though as it eases the gameplay dramatically (My keyboard has horrible problems with key recognizing when pressing to many buttons at once)

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 11:18 Edited at: 31st Jan 2013 11:20
You get hardware that supports 16-32 some which support 24-32 and some 8-32 just the two in each pair... EDIT, For example, one of my old laptop chips supports 24-32bit, but my recent GPU only supports 16-32bit...

The most common on Desktop I feel is 16-32, 32 being the standard... or well, common one these days... but keep in mind, there are such things as 30bit displays ^^ I have two of them lol before someone asks... and thankfully a 32bit screen as well... I really need a new monitor though...

Awaiting update of the download! really want to play this, does it support the x360 controller?

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 11:34
The download has been updated allready, forgot to add another edit for that.

Yes it supports the X360 controller which is the best way to play this game.

I better detect available display depths next time.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 11:39
I do not think you updated the links... still shows 32~MB

Which link is updated?

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 11:50
both links, I only changed 3 lines of code so there won´t be any difference in the size, but trust me the download is replaced.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 11:52
Got it, working, absolutely amazing work there, but... my concerns were right, it does not work well at all... I cannot figure out how to run fast, jump high and aside from those two the speed is still too fast for accurate movement, I think I know what you were aiming for... but it makes movement very difficult, also... I appear to have infinite lives

Want me to make a video?

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 12:02 Edited at: 31st Jan 2013 12:03
<Ctrl> or <X Button> : Run and to carry objects, needs to be hold down, the faster you run the higher you jump (speed builds up after some time of running.

Yes there is no game over screen at the moment also no life power ups or the ability to get an extra life. But lifes should go away after you die until they get below zero, which will just let the lifes stay at zero, this would be a good point to put the game over screen

I think I Will let you guys chose a custom frame rate in the next download.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 12:19
Yeah, much better, I might have ignored your earlier control mention was too keen to play it haha ^^

It plays better, but I can see why you need to keep the speed high, but I think just a fraction slower and it is perfect!

Boys Gaming Night this Saturday! I will see if I can get them over to mine to try this out! should get you a couple more feedbacks!

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 12:50
Glad to hear that,
also many thx for trying to get some feedback from others too

I also tested again and found two further bugs one where initialising wall running fails.

The other is a collision bug with climbing plants, I need to reduce their collision zones and check that players y position can´t go greater than the plants y size while climbing.

Both bugs should be solved fast enough.

Will release a updated version with those bugs fixed and a speed selection hopefully till tommorow.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 12:56
Good Stuff!

Ashingda 27
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Posted: 1st Feb 2013 12:21
I am still having the same problem as before. Maybe it's your display mode. I remember seeing this problem elsewhere on an example code, simply changing the display mode to something else fixed the problem that time.

Or maybe have a windowed option? I'm not too sure now, well my res is 1600x900 it may cause some problem going into full screen or something.

Chris Tate
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2013 01:55
Same issue here; no 16bit display mode support. Most people would not set their operating system display to only support 16 shades per channel, so you will probably need to adjust.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2013 14:07 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2013 14:19
Uploading a new version

-hopefully has the wall running fixed
-fixed collision zones a bit
-minimal changes to the test level
-runs in a window, adjusted to your desktop resolution

File has been uploaded, both of the download links have been updated.

Is there a way not to use the display resolution sliders in the dbpro compiler because they override the custom resolution I use in my code.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2013 17:23
Added to my Dropbox, and hope to get the boys over later to have a quick play!

I managed to complete the level!!! wow was enjoyable!

Even found myself saying


Mid way, which is a good thing

Down side on the automatic screen sizing is, the top left corner is placed in the middle of my screen now so I have to move it into place...

Other than that, it feels much more playable now... this is that moment where you tell me you did not make any adjustments to the speed

Also, best to create version uploads so that we can know which version we currently have...

SRW.rar tells us nothing but SRW_1_0_3.rar tells me a whole heap more

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2013 23:57
Big THX for testing again,

I´ll add version numbers to the next upload and update the main post with my current to do list.

Also would like to hear if the problem with 16bit unable machine setups is solved by windowing the application.

I will get the available display modes and build a select screen from these so that everyone can try this in full screen on their machines.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2013 15:42
Updated Demo version again, changes are listed in the main post.

Chris Tate
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Posted: 4th Feb 2013 09:53
I'm a bit old for this type of game but it was fun and that is the main thing. It ran at 25 fps on here and I get the feeling the movement is not timer based and thus a little sluggish; but still entertaining.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2013 14:34
Still called SRW.rar I meant name the files in version files too... so I will wait for this to update before downloading again as I have had to delete all the versions I already downloaded as it was getting confusing...

Try SRW_1_07.rar if 1.07 is the latest version at this point...

Just my opinion and view and feedback, nothing more, you can ignore this entirely, just think it would help if you are creating version releases... otherwise, nobody is going to be able to accurately tell you which version of your game they have, as you might have updated it between them testing and then you getting strange already fixed bug reports...

Waiting to play level 2 ^^

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Posted: 4th Feb 2013 15:39 Edited at: 4th Feb 2013 15:41
I didn´t change the rars name
because I was to lazy to change links again,

I will uploaded rars with changed names in future releases.
Its better changing the links everytime than having confused testers.

I have another level ready (the lava one) but it has yoshy in it,
who is still a bit buggy:
-sometimes not colliding right
-loses the item he holds if you jump off (need to check that there is only one yoshy on the screen at the same time to fix this)
-is not taken with you if you leave a level through warps.

I am also working on the first ghost level at the moment,
mainly implementing new enemy types for this tileset which are at the moment:

-Flying books (chasing)
-Zombie Cops with reanimation skill (chasing)

For this type of level I also want to add locked and/ or secret exits before I release it.

I am also trying to include timer based movement in the next version.

Chris Tate
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Posted: 4th Feb 2013 17:46
Quote: "Its better changing the links everytime than having confused testers."

And for you to keep track of yourself. 2 - 3 months later it will be difficult to remember which version is what. You may need to backtrack and test previous versions.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2013 18:37
Really nice work so far!

Keep it up!

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Posted: 27th Feb 2013 17:45
Hello again,
it has been some time,
I have implemented timer based movement and a menue for game speed
and display mode selection. Thx to baxslash for posting a nice method to get the timer right.

I implemented two new enemies, a zombie which resurrects itself after some time of death and flying books coming out of book shelves which chase after the player.

Added 2 new moving platforms.

Also changed the modell for the first upgrade item.

Added fire exhaust effect to enemies using jetpack and cannon bullets.

Added the possibility to gain lifes through coins and combos.

Fixed wall running physics when reaching the upper edge of a wall.

Fixed detection if the player should slide or not, also sliding speed vectors now smoothly decrease to zero when the player is in midair after sliding. Also sliding speed vectors are now resetted properly if the player should die while sliding.

Sweeping collision now takes more steps, makes the collision system now more reliable.

I am working on a ghost level right now to show off new enemies,
I hope to have it ready soon, but don´t got much time right now because of my studies. Hope to release it before the end of the week.

Ashingda 27
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Posted: 25th Mar 2013 20:41
Wow that update improved a lot! Love the ninjas and jet pack guys. Will there be custom buttons, so I can move with WASD and jump with Left-Click?

How did you do the smoke trail when he's running?

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