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Work in Progress / New Super Mario World changing to Reggie World

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Posted: 25th Mar 2013 23:25
Thx for testing out the latest build,
I have designed the game with customizable scancodes for actions in mind, I will try to have a complete config menue for key bindings and resolution ready in the next version.

The smoke trail is the same smoke effect the ninjas use when they appear.
The effect is made very simple by using a 3d plain and changing its texture image to animate it (also I move it a bit upwards along the y achsis each frame), after the last texture of the sequence is applied the effect will be deleted.

For the trail I just call up smoke effects in a certain interval.
So changing the duration the effect is shown and changing the interval the effects are called, will give you a smoke trail of different duration and or different density.

If you want I can send you my dust animation sequence .png
or post a sample code.

I have to admit I took a long break from coding / designing on this project, I only started coding / working on levels again
2 days ago.

Fixed and fixing some bugs left heavily updated the enemy collision detection system.

Completed Ghost house level today, had a test run and its
way to hard need to balance this out.

2 Major bugs will need to be taken care of before the next demo:

-Sometimes enemys which have a shadow have their shadow deleted to early resulting in not having a shadow at all.

-Ninjas can get stuck now when lured into a corner.

Back to work.

Ashingda 27
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Posted: 26th Mar 2013 06:46
I'd be more than happy to accept your sequence.png

You know what, I did find the starting stage too difficult. Maybe scale it down on the first few stages and then introduce more elements with progression.

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Posted: 30th Mar 2013 17:41
@Ashingda 27:
I have sent you the file via mail.
the first level is a ton easier if you use a 360 controler, because the current keyboard setup isn´t made for hitting 3 to 4 keys at once, resulting in loosing precious jump height and movement speed. I guess the control scheme you mentioned could fix this problem if the right mouse button is used for running. Still you would need a proper key / mouse button for doing spin jumps.

I am very happy of the playability of my current build, it runs really smooth if you get 50-60 fps. The minimum frame rate would be 30 fps to have nice playability. However I can´t get myself to finish implementing the option screens right now. So I will release the new version today without it.
This version has three levels (two should play nice the ghost level has an almost impossible to beat situation and still no real ghosts).

So I am asking is anyone willing to test this version preferably by using the xbox 360 controller?

Ashingda 27
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Posted: 30th Mar 2013 20:37
Thanks for the file, you don't mind if I use it in my project?

Tested the updated version, the xbox 360 controller works very well, I can complete the first stage now LOL.

The ninja jump speed is very fast, I kept dying to it jumping. If that was intentional you should make it jump randomly

I don't know how to get the the next stage, he just walks in a loop on the map.

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Posted: 30th Mar 2013 21:05
@ Ashingda 27:

You can use that dust if you like. If you are going to charge for your game or release a final version of your game with this file, a short mentioning of my name somewhere in your credits would be nice.

Ninjas Jump is enabled when he needs to get over a wall or hole to reach you, currently this can lead to the ninjas death when the hole is to wide
Also checking the path between the player was not accurate enough in the version uploaded, resulting in unnecesary jumps resulting in cheap deaths.
The jumping / falling speed has been adjusted also.

The current version has only one stage, the purpose of this loop was only to show that walking along the path on the World map works. The version which will be uploaded has 2 new stages.

I decided to include the control selection and resolution option screens before the release of the new version. So people without 360 controler get the chance to play this version correctly.

Thx for the feedback and testing.

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Posted: 3rd Apr 2013 12:00
Updated beta version now.

Thx for testing.

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Posted: 4th Apr 2013 14:05
Edge collision has hopefully been restored to its former state
now, enjoy.

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Posted: 10th Apr 2013 01:58
There was a massive collision bug with terrain left, that appeared only below 20 fps, this was because a variable was misspelled in the new collision routine, luckily discovered after a short read through the code today.

Uploaded the new file, download as usual in the main post,
it is still 0.1. I hope you guys find some more bugs, because they can be really hard to find them all myself on only one testing pc.

Chris Tate
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Posted: 10th Apr 2013 17:01
I will try to do some more tests sometime later.

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Posted: 11th Apr 2013 01:38
New version uploaded again, this time its v.0.11.

Fixed bug where terrain didn´t load properly due to a high Timer value when running at 10-20 fps.

Fixed bug where you couldn´t pick up your power block or spring after the first pick up.

Fixed varying power up sizes through scaling, by not scaling them at all (lol), somehow I cant get the procentual scaling from DBpro on par with my global timer.

Speed values of Power Blocks and Springs are now calculated from movement speed, rather than giving them a fixed speed value.

Included timer based movement in some processes I had overlooked.

Levels now can have individual time limits.
(same on each stage in this version though)

Updated Version in the first post as usual.

Chris Tate
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Posted: 11th Apr 2013 12:49 Edited at: 11th Apr 2013 12:53
Wow this is good. Looks so much more cool than it looked before. I think next time I would like to play with my joypad instead of the keyboard.

It will be even more enjoyable with music and sound affects. Hopefully no Nintendo guys complain about the similarities with Mario with all the ? boxes and bombs; if they do it might be worth changing the shape and graphics of a few things.

I really like all of the villains, their reactions and animation tells a story; I especially like that big guy with the helmet.

Have you physically watched people play your game? How far did they get, where did they die? I personally think the levels are too hard too early; I am sure a kid 20 years younger than me will be 20 times more better than I am, but still I couldn't figure out how to get past the rocket bit; I tried to jump on the dude with the back pack but failed.

I would have liked the first 2 or 3 levels to be brief and educational, indirectly subconsciously showing you what things do, then build up the level size and difficulty. Passing 3 or 4 levels in 4 or 5 minutes would have given me the confidence to feel that it is worth continuing to play.

I think that being the creator, and understanding where all the power ups and tricks makes something look easy to you that is difficult and stressful for a new player; I think it is best that you do a video test, have people play the game and record their actions and post you the video so you can see how people think. I will let you watch how terrible I am in a video perhaps later tonight.

Also, the shadow under the character is invisible when underneath a ? box, so can't really tell what row I am standing on. Might be worth exaggerating the shadow a bit more.

This is good enough for the game list, if you want you could publish the game on the DarkBASIC game database.

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Posted: 11th Apr 2013 18:57 Edited at: 11th Apr 2013 19:12
Quote: "It will be even more enjoyable with music and sound affects. Hopefully no Nintendo guys complain about the similarities with Mario with all the ? boxes and bombs; if they do it might be worth changing the shape and graphics of a few things."

Not all modells have been replaced, I am going to redesign the helmet guy, the cannon bullets, the fire flower and yoshy.

Yoshy´s gameplay will be completly different, instead of using the tongue he will suck enemys in like kirby in a certain area in front of him, gradually getting fatter with each enemy, at a certain number of eaten animals he will explode, leaving behind a special power up dependant on which enemy types he has eaten, so eating a different combination of enemies gives you different power ups.

Quote: "but still I couldn't figure out how to get past the rocket bit; I tried to jump on the dude with the back pack but failed. "

Yeah I also realised this part could be a bitch after a test run of the actual levels, you can either jump on the rocket back pack guy, easier but only one try per life, or on the highest rocket with max jumping altitude, creating a jump in my opinion to high for my level boarders, three mouseclicks in the editor would have be sufficient to update it, but I am currently more focusing on getting the engine perfect, for example there has appeared a new bug when the level scrolls backwards some objects/enemies may be skipped from loading and thus missing.

Quote: "Also, the shadow under the character is invisible when underneath a ? box, so can't really tell what row I am standing on. Might be worth exaggerating the shadow a bit more."

I plan on making the box glow when you would be able to hit it by jumping straight up (only for boxes which actually produce an effect when jumped against).

Going to click this awful part of the first level away for now, update is coming in 5 min.
Edit: Level updated, hopefully easier with those changes.

Thx for testing this out!

Chris Tate
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Posted: 14th Apr 2013 16:26 Edited at: 14th Apr 2013 17:20
Hi, the game isn't podcast friendly so I can't showcase gameplay. It might be a good idea to release test builds with window mode and resolution settings; and make use of Matrix1 Nice Sleep to sleep 2 or 5 ms for the recorder to record the frames more smoothly.

Just can't control the character while recording at the same time.

Don't worry I got twice as far without screen capturing. Don't die laughing.

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Posted: 14th Apr 2013 19:48
Seems I can´t get around including display settings into the game, should be easier than making a control setup menue.

Quote: "and make use of Matrix1 Nice Sleep to sleep 2 or 5 ms for the recorder to record the frames more smoothly.

I don´t understand what this means, you mean adding sleep commands to every frame? I used fraps full version to capture my videos and didn´t get any issues.
So a sleep command for some ms could release pressure when capturing a video?
Thanks a lot for trying this out at this frame rate I would have died at the same rate.

I will start adding options for windowed mode and resolution settings, is it possible to change to windowed mode while the game is running in DBpro? If not I will have to add a setmode.exe to the game, storing the settings into a file.

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Posted: 14th Apr 2013 22:41 Edited at: 14th Apr 2013 22:43
I think if you use Set Window On, all objects should remain intact; otherwise just during the test phase add a command line like so with Matrix1 installed:

Something like that so play testers can alter the resolution and sleep rate, then put this in your loop; at least if it is in test mode

The reason why I don't use fraps is because I want to play for more than 30 seconds. I own a different capturing tool that doesn't display any text on the screen that I use for my stuff; however it is a bit slower than fraps.

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Posted: 15th Apr 2013 14:17
just installed the Matrix1 plugin,

new builds now run 4 times faster than the previous ones, does Matrix1 replace some existing dbpro commands too?

@Chris Tate: Thank you very much for this information, also the Command Line code you posted works straight out the box.

I am currently ironing out the object loading bug when the Map loads backwards, then uploading the new version as 1.2, then I will add some easier levels, adding my 3D Text engine to the game to give players information on each feature as they appear the first time.

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Posted: 15th Apr 2013 14:35
That's good

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Posted: 15th Apr 2013 15:27
New version uploaded 1.2:

Here is the link:

-Fixed backwards map loading bug.

-Fixed missing shadows underneath cannon bullets.

-Added command line code by Chris Tate to alter game resolution, windowed mode and the option to add a custom sleep timer.

Example: 1024,768,5,1
1.parameter: X size
2.Parameter: Y size
3.Parameter: sleep value
4.Parameter: 0=full screen, 1=windowed mode

Bugs that I am aware of:

-Reggies Sliding speed is currently not correct related to the game Timer.

-Speed of cop who has just lost his helmet is not related correctly to the game Timer.

-A collision with the edge of a block and a terrain wall at the same time can lead to Reggie going through the terrain wall,
had this fixed a time ago but I am going for a more ressource friendly approach (trying to use less collision checks, which in theory should be possible for this situation)

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Posted: 15th Apr 2013 15:43
Downloading... I should be able to video my footage now. After doing some work on SF, I'll play it and send the footage.

Am I able to use my gamepad?

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Posted: 15th Apr 2013 15:46
Xbox 360 gamepad should work on this, also you can use mouse and keyboard, or keyboard only.

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Posted: 15th Apr 2013 17:21
Got any plans for sound effects; or are you stuck on finding some; or you've got something in store later; or do you need a hand? If you need a hand, point me to some youtube videos of games with similar sounds you need.

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Posted: 15th Apr 2013 18:42
I made a soundeffect
for a jump hit on an enemy by snipping three drums from freesoundarchive toghether and it was terrible lol.

It is kind of hard chosing the right combination of different soundeffects, I will sit together with a friend to chose sound effects during the week, figuring out a fitting sound pattern.

Right now I only know that I want something bouncy like the jumping sound from Plok on the SNES
after 0:48 a jumping sound can be heard.

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Posted: 15th Apr 2013 20:17
Well since you know about sound, what I'll do at some point is create some sounds for you to play around with. They will sound similar to the effects used in that video, and any other video you have in mind; so as long as you include my name somewhere in your credits.

It will be nicer to play with sound.

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Posted: 15th Apr 2013 21:38
Yeah It definetly is better with sound, I just created some cheap effects very fast with Bfxr, definetly an improvement, but not good enough.

If your offer still stands, I will gladly accept it, of course you will be mentioned in the credits,
for such a noble offer it is the least that I can return to you.

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Posted: 15th Apr 2013 23:07 Edited at: 15th Apr 2013 23:15
OK latest gameplay.

Still on world 1, level 1. Died a number of times trying to jump from platform to platform. It is tough dealing with Z positioning and stopping yourself from touching enemies.
It feels like easing off the Z speed or giving a few milliseconds time to evade collision with the enemies would have helped; but that's down to your judgement.

I'm not sure how many levels there will be, but likely the first few levels should be easiest. Infact alot of games use the step curve; levels get real hard then one or two levels get a bit easy to give the player a break; then they get harder than before.

Level 1 looks like one of Koopas fortresses in mario; it's quite early for lava, is Reggie escaping from some a volcano or fortress of some kind?

Video 2: Tried with Trust smooth analog gamepad; not good for this type of game. Very difficult to move straight up down left or right. Dropped off alot of sledges.

Video 3: With the PlayStation style gamepad I could control the character better; but the jump button is on the left and the run button is way on the other side between 2 other buttons. Very difficult to run and jump as you can see by my failure to jump at lengths and heights.

Might be a good idea to parse button options. Like this with an INI file:

When you let go of jump, Reggie falls straight down; so you can't use momentum to aim an attack as seen at 1:05

What does spin jump do? And when you see dust on the ground, is that because he is running or does it have no meaning?

At 1:53, I wanted to get that helmet boy, but failed to jump before colliding into his face quite a few times.

4:05 was a bit upsetting that I died there.

Manged to get to Yoshy at 4:45; at 5:50 I managed to jump off of him and he landed into the lava. That was due to the button
arrangement on the gamepad more than anything; the spin jump got pressed instead of normal jump.

Quote: "Yoshy´s gameplay will be completly different, instead of using the tongue he will suck enemys in like kirby in a certain area in front of him, gradually getting fatter with each enemy, at a certain number of eaten animals he will explode, leaving behind a special power up dependant on which enemy types he has eaten, so eating a different combination of enemies gives you different power ups. "

Poor Yoshy!

I don't know how I did it, but Yoshi managed to spit out fire; I'm not sure what button I pressed. I will try to use rotate camera a bit more in my next game.

Looking forward to getting past this level without loosing all my lives. In mario I'd usually get past about 10 or 15 levels before loosing a life so I guess that's why it feels extreme loosing 10 lives in level one.

I should be uploading jump and impact sounds tonight.

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Posted: 15th Apr 2013 23:54 Edited at: 16th Apr 2013 00:30
Thank you very mutch for testing so detailed, the most time in the video I thought, why he dosen´t switch camera, as I prefer the backwards camera, but it realy depends on the situation.

The collision with taller enemies like the helmet guys checks if your characters y position is higher than the halved y size of the enemy + the y position of that enemy, so you can´t jump on them by getting in their collision zone from the side too much while falling, you will die instead. I will enlarge the jump hit zone of enemys to ease gameplay.

You are right, it is too early for lava, I wanted to show a new level tileset in this, so I placed the easier grass level after the lava level on the world map.

I must admit, I am quite a master when it comes to jump and run, so I get bored by easy levels very fast.
You didn´t even get to the moving platforms, which are hard even for me. In the very beginning of the lava stage, it is possible to get a life by combo jumping the first enemy group lol.
Also I always tried to use full level size on every map, which makes levels harder and more work is needed to finish them.
I will put tutorials and easier levels in the next version,
making the current levels the last of the island.
Must resist the urge to make player torturing levels or
I could make the leveleditor more userfriendly, by including a nice pick 3d point in space from mouse coordinates function.

For yoshy spitting fire, thats because you have aten a cop which equaled a koopa back then.

The spin jump lets you rotate or crush the blue sunglassed boxes by jumping on them from above, also jumps of from Yoshy and makes you fire fireballs in a randomized direction when you have the fireflower.

The button arrangement you got sounds really bad, now I´ll really have to make a option screen for the controls.

I have changed the world map now, so that grass level comes first, then the lava world, then the ghost world (yes lava world is far easier than ghost world (-, grab changed world map at the bottom and paste all contents in the world folder, replace the old files there with the new ones.

The dust clouds are shown after a certain (very minimal) speed,
I could change that minimum speed, so they only appear when you are over the "maximum walking speed", when you are near full speed, Reggie will show his true running animation if he dosen´t hold something.

Download changed world map:

Also thanks for making some SFX Chris Tate, much appreciated.

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Posted: 16th Apr 2013 01:42 Edited at: 16th Apr 2013 02:01
Tried out the lookup from a ini method, but somehow Dbrpo recognizes the command correct, but gives compiler errors when I attempt to build it, wich is strange, because everything in your code looks correct, all parameter tyoes are fitting but I get a Declaration Name (of the lookup key$) is not valid error.

I will just go with a press "Game Pad Button for "x"" sequences for the gamepad setup to feed my GamePadButton Variables with data,
shouldn´t take long once all the 3d write functions are carried over from another project of mine.

However I included some of my sound tries into the game and fixed two very anoying and hopefully last moving platform bugs.

It is called 1.125 get it here:

Or in the main post.

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Posted: 16th Apr 2013 02:06 Edited at: 16th Apr 2013 02:19
Hehe, I guess I quite like side view but will use the front view more often.

I love run and jump; but I've not mastered it in your game yet. When you let go of the arrows he falls straight down instead of continuing in momentum; gotta get used to it.

Yeah, start it off with nice scenery then make it get ugly as you go along.

If something in your own game is hard for you, multiply that by 5 for new players. Divide difficulty by 2 for those people in the 5% catergory who are better at your own game than you. You should find the last level difficult, the levels half way through real fun and the first few worlds easy. What you could do is create some optional challenges that lead to bonus levels; that will keep good players entertained early on. But it should be likely for people to guess that there is a bonus level actually there; with the case of the power up you mentioned that you get by killing all the enemies where they were, I never bothered to kill them all so I didn't find out that secret.

Have you tried blender? That would make a great level editor; if you understand its controls I can explain how you could achieve levels in it; but perhaps you may want people to make levels in your own level editor; otherwise, may as well use Blender to do all the dirty work.

You won't need tutorials; use Miyamoto principles; teach with level design. For example; you said that spin jump crushes the sun-glass boxes from above; you could have explained that with level design.

Create a platform with a sun-glass box blocking Reggie from moving ahead; "What do I do here, I can't get down through this sun-glasses box; ooh let me see what this button does; oh spin jump, oh it broke the box"

Another example is the front view/ side view mode; make a part of level 2 or 3 impossible without using front view; then the player will have to try all the buttons and find out that there is a front view. Block the side view completely and put holes in the ground behind a wall; the player must press front view to see where the holes are. That is so suddenly difficult, that its too difficult to be a part of the game, so the player will think, there must be a button for this.

Another example is helmet boy; he is quite big, his stomach doesn't look very dangerous which is why I thought I could do a quick double jump on him; but I've gotta be above half his height at his Y location; make everything dangerous look dangerous; make everything below him look more solid; maybe even sharp that teaches the player not to try what I did.


OK first off 2 sound sets of 4. I have created 3 versions of each, one normal, one for in caves (or anywhere sealed) and one for under water. I've made them sound 8bit to be congruent with your style and what you requested earlier.

There are 4 versions of the jump sound; you could pick one for each situation; or you could mix them to represent different jump strengths; or you could pick one and save the rest for something else.

This is them played repeatedly so you get a feel of how they would sound in extreme situations.

Jump Tests

This is them in a cave

Jump in Cave Tests

and under water

Jump/swim in water Tests

These samples are the impact sounds; that larger the impact, the greater the sound you should use. The one at the end emphasizes something broken up into pieces.

Impact tests

Impact tests in cave

Impact tests in water

The individual sounds are here:
Sound ZIP FILE - The ZIP password is reggie78745 - Let me know when you successfully extract it so I can delete it off of the server.

Note that Load Sound and Load 3DSound can load .OGG files.

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Posted: 16th Apr 2013 02:20 Edited at: 16th Apr 2013 02:24
Thx a lot for those sounds Chris, I have extracted your archive.

Did a quick hear through and there are definetly some nice ones included,

trying them out in game tommorow morning!

As for the jumping momentunm in midair, I could change the value how long the momentum is preserved, I even have the check for the exact situation included in my code, but I made it so it becomes zero much quicker, if no key at all is pressed (carried it over from my "no key is pressed when on terrain" momentum manipulation to careless I think.
Thx for pointing me to it, else I wouldn´t have noticed this.

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Posted: 18th Apr 2013 03:23 Edited at: 18th Apr 2013 03:24
Some more footage of me getting a little further. There's some cool surprises the further you go into the level. Helmet boy almost got me towards the end but he missed me by an inch. I died this time tying to jump onto one of those spinning things but ending up stood beside it.

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Posted: 18th Apr 2013 12:42
Thank you for trying out again,
I think I will also increase the size of the collision box responsible for the detection if you jumped on an enemy.

Did you know, that you can take the jump spring with you ( a small bonus level was waiting further straight ahead upwards )?
But the lack of you carrying objects is probably due to the strange control setup you have to bear with. (Making holding run down while doing other things very hard)

Also the block setup @ around 1:30 left to the ? Blocks would have given you a fireflower, if you had shot a helmet straight at the center block.

Was the grass level easier for you, because the ninjas there can make it really hard in some situations.

I didn´t work on the project yesterday, and will see if I get time to do some work to it today, I have already chosen from the sound effects you sent me and will use them in my game.

Hopefully a further update will be possible today.

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Posted: 18th Apr 2013 16:15
Quote: "I think I will also increase the size of the collision box responsible for the detection if you jumped on an enemy."

Or, possibly when the momentum is maintained; Reggie will not land straight down next to the villain; either way it is easy to get around.

Quote: "Did you know, that you can take the jump spring"

It didn't look like it could be carried, thought it was stationary. I'll check that out on my next attempt. You should keep the level and put it somewhere in the world after the easier levels.

Quote: "Also the block setup @ around 1:30 left to the ? "

My eyes where looking at the spring, didn't pay much attention to those blocks lol. I only spotted the hidden question box now that you mentioned it.

Quote: "Was the grass level easier for you"

What grass level?

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Posted: 19th Apr 2013 14:46 Edited at: 19th Apr 2013 14:55
I uploaded 1.30 with only minor fixes.

-slowed down mommentum loss when in mid air a lot.
-Made controller buttons customizable through settings.ini.
Thanks to Chris Tate.
-Added one sound effect by Chris Tate,
the impact sound when you hit an enemy,
there are more sounds I want to use,
but don´t have time to add them all.

Download it Here:

Quote: "What grass level?"

I think 0.125 had the level order changed, this new one definetly has, be shure to copy the files in the world folder over too.

I recently looked at the game database @ binarymodular, looks like a lot of spam posts start to emerge as I looked @ the recent games list.

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Posted: 19th Apr 2013 16:31 Edited at: 19th Apr 2013 18:32
Yeah I spotted two of them and deleted the accounts earlier.

Will play later on.

Let me know what sounds are needed and whether you will be using baked environmental effects or whether you want just basic sounds.

Edit: Forget that as I've seen you've added the missing sounds after-all. Trying out the levels.

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Posted: 19th Apr 2013 19:40 Edited at: 19th Apr 2013 20:29
0.13 to 0.131
-coins will are now 100% over the terrain height, when loaded.
-Added a very easy (i think) and short first level.

Download here and replace all the files in the Level and World folder with the new ones, also copy the new .exe of course.

Now thinking about the sound,
looks like I am lucky and don´t have to work tonight, have discovered a new bug,
that appears only at very high fps I think,
where Reggie can lose his mommentum sometimes when he walks over the edge of a block, so I will fix my mommentum resetter to check this case correctly.

Edit: Case correctly checked. have replaced the exe file for v0.131

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Posted: 20th Apr 2013 01:43
I've been removing the old installs and starting fresh anyway; will try the levels out; been busy today.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 02:55 Edited at: 21st Apr 2013 03:01
i decided to look into on this project as quite a bit of work is apparent and Reggie World looks fun, so i gave it a run:

everything is natural and solid, with an exception or 2:

1) reggie struggles with the corner of the slight hill indicated at ~4:10 in the vid. i'm sure you are aware of it/similar.

2) there are occasionally difficult 3D perspective issues. ie, at ~3:25 in the vid, it wasn't obvious to me that the row of coins wasn't right up against the front rail. it didn't take long to figure out that it wasn't but it and a few other examples throughout the 1st stage of the game were a source of some frustration.

i suggest that all coins should cast shadows, ground level or otherwise, as should the elevated blocks (including "blocks above blocks" scenarios such as the area at ~0:45 in the vid where the upper blocks would cast shadows on those below them), if possible, which i believe would offer relief from the "perspective frustrations" experienced.

3) some camera issues such as that at ~3:35 where the fore-most coins hide reggie and the coins that i endeavor to collect behind them. another instance of camera issues would be ~5:45 where blind jumps are the only way to bump the boxes.

otherwise, this was my first run at playing reggie world and i think it's great fun thus far. i know there are camera settings, etc, that i can play with, as well, that will add to the enjoyment.

as stated, a lot of work & detail is apparent on this, not the least of which is the background/props that i think some might overlook as they pay strict attention to the game area. the subtle details like that are what polishes a game to perfection and i appreciate that.

i'll be playing the latest releases and keeping tabs on this project from now on.

good work thus far, and thanks for sharing

Virtual Nomad @ California, USA . DBPro V7.7 . Matrix1Utils 05.27.12
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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 04:06
Quote: "
1) reggie struggles with the corner of the slight hill indicated at ~4:10 in the vid. i'm sure you are aware of it/similar.

This is a mixture of two,
one is a bug that I mentioned in the main post:
Sliding Speed growth / max is not correctly related to the Game Timer, which can lead to faster or slower sliding speeds and acceleration rate dependant how much the game timer derives from 1.00.
The other is just bad terrain design that is currently on this place.

Quote: "

2) there are occasionally difficult 3D perspective issues. ie, at ~3:25 in the vid, it wasn't obvious to me that the row of coins wasn't right up against the front rail. it didn't take long to figure out that it wasn't but it and a few other examples throughout the 1st stage of the game were a source of some frustration.


I plan on making the Rails and Blocks transparent, when they are between Reggie and the camera.

There is a shadow under each coin, however

-large blocks won´t cast shadows
-Standart Blocks cast shadows currently only on the terrain, I have to test how ressource demanding it would be, if each standart block had its transparent shadow plain .

The coins between those ledges can be collected easier if you rotate the camera there, looks like I will have to add hint system mentioning this in this area.

Thank you very much for trying Version 0.131, I think I know what to work on next ( besides the sliding timer issue ).

Chris Tate
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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 06:08 Edited at: 21st Apr 2013 06:09
@Virtual Nomad

I'm not sure if you spotted the remark, but he added my commandline snippet for testing purposes to allow you to alter the display mode and CPU sleep which can improve video recording.

If wanting to record, run this text as a .BAT file or use the windows run/cmd shell:

Quote: "-Added command line code by Chris Tate to alter game resolution, windowed mode and the option to add a custom sleep timer.

Example: 1024,768,5,1
1.parameter: X size
2.Parameter: Y size
3.Parameter: sleep value
4.Parameter: 0=full screen, 1=windowed mode"

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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 18:17 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2013 02:59
I have started replacing the 2 3D matrices I use for terrain,
with 3d Polys.

The reasons for that are:

-Less polygons needed, than with 2 overlapping matrices.
-Lighting seems to be better with Polygons.

That would make 600 additional Polygons (300 objects),
the matrices took 1200 Polys in total.
Could this also increase the speed the program runs?
I updated my matrices by using shift matrix down / up commands, whith polys I would have to load 20 Polys (10 Objects) texture them and remove the same ammount per loading step.

I hope this will be more ressource efficient, so I can add a nice pop up effect for fresh loaded terrain
making it look like the surface of the map curves down at the outer edge of visible terrain, like its on a cylinder ( A bit like terrain and object loading is handled in animal crossing ).

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Posted: 24th Apr 2013 15:45
I finished Loading the Terrain out of Polys, looks
exactly like before, except without graphical glitches at diagonal corners on low resolutions.

It looks like the lightning is improved using this solution.

Also finished the procedual rendering on my polygon terrain.

4 Holes maximum are merged to one object, so there is now only one Hole Object per Tile, before it where 8 Objects per Tile at max.

Also per Tile there are max. 2 polys , before
there could be 4 Polys per Tile at max.

I am going to write a function which gets the right poly the player stands on a tile. Chosing the right 3 Coordinate Trios for my GetTriangleHeight Function, after that I can implement the new engine in my game with ease, finally beeing able to test FPS differences correctly.

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Posted: 29th Apr 2013 13:26
I ran some tests and get the exact same timer value with triangles as with the two 3d matrices, the procedual loading of the terrain looks smoother with this method ( new engine parses level array more effective then before, gets wall objects that have to be deleted directly than having to parse every wall object in existance).

Now fixing lots of bugs that appeared due to a different function that checks the ground height.

Then I will implement the animal crossing style terrain loading.
This effect could be quite demanding, as I would have to set the height of around 160 vertices in real time.
I will make this an optional effect though.

This should take a week or two before you can test it.

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Posted: 1st May 2013 02:32 Edited at: 1st May 2013 02:38
Okay, I fixed all the new bugs and added smooth loading,
here is a video

The video uses 80 additional tiles in smoothed mode,
players can set how many additional tiles they want
(80 is maximum right now) and also chose if they want smooth scrolling of the terrain.
If smooth scrolling is enabled those additional tiles are altered in real time, which takes some additional power of the Gpu and Cpu (less than I thought initially).

Also it now uses Triangles instead of matrices, making scrolling overall smoother and fixes graphical glitches on diagonal terrain corners.

I will upload the new demo, once I implemented the world map correctly again. ( Not tommorow though, because of the first of may)

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Posted: 12th May 2013 17:24
New Demo is out (v 0.15),

changed jumping velocity to be a bit slower.

Made it so sliding speed is correctly carried over when jumping while sliding.

Smooth scrolling enabled by default, smooth scroll size can be changed from 1 to 8 fields.

Matrices replaced by triangles + less wall objects.

Worldmap not displayed correctly, as I want to replace those matrices with triangles too.

Please tell me how do you like the new jumping compared to the old style.

Download the Demo here:

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Posted: 23rd May 2013 14:44 Edited at: 23rd May 2013 14:45
I have uploaded a new Video,

it shows new block types I added to the game,
the enemy block and the portable block
which allows the player to build around.

Changes since the last demo version:
Added two new block types.
Fixed last bugs that resulted from previous engine changes.
Changed jumping height and mommentum again.
Made Blocks between Player and camera transparent.
Added Blocks that can contain a jump pad or a power block.
Fences are now 100% displayed correctly.
Fixed a bug that could pause the game forever when rotating the camera.
Added XOffset to camera position when in side view, which is dependant on how long and how fast you move in a direction, allows you to look further when camera is in side view.

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Posted: 29th May 2013 14:18
So Demo 0.16 is now out, get it here:
SRWV0.16 Download

Changes since the last demo version:

-Added two new block types.
-Fixed last bugs that resulted from previous engine changes.
-Changed jumping height and mommentum again.
-Made Blocks between Player and camera transparent.
-Added Blocks that can contain a jump pad or a power block.
-Fences are now 100% displayed correctly.
-Fixed a bug that could pause the game forever when rotating the camera.
-Added XOffset to camera position when in side view, which is dependant on how long and how fast you move in a direction, allows you to look further when camera is in side view.
-Fixed false collision of power ups with blocks.
-Started to fade terrain triangles based on the direction they look.
Also faded plains of large objects and terrain wall objects.
-Objects that can be carried are no longer lost if they are erased due to level scrolling, you can now put them where you want and they should always be reloaded properly.
-Background Objects are now positioned correctly.
-Last entrance is now additionally a save point.
-Added readme file.
-Removed command line options, these are now in the settings.ini along with the joystick button codes.
-Hopefully did the last change to Reggies collision box.

I also made some levels easier or changed them a bit.
I would love to hear some feedback, how jumping feels for you now.

Chris Tate
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Posted: 12th Jun 2013 21:03 Edited at: 12th Jun 2013 21:07

Some person who goes by the name 'Burning Feet Man' made a comment on my video footage post. (That was a kind of joke, we all know the person)

Quote: "BurningFeetMan 2 weeks ago

This looks frustratingly hard! It sure does make one appreciate the simple things in Mario!

I think that point was brought out earlier, but his point is true, simplicity is appreciated.

How often do you play your game? What do you think so far?

I personally have not had the time to recording my game, my work load has increased and equipment has been compromised. When I did play I was wondering why the coins were not positioned in a pattern. Is there a logical reason for having coins not positioned evenly in some form of pattern which children could comprehend? Is there no reason? This is a question that just sprung up while I was collecting them. Also the placing of blocks isn't fixed to a grid, is that for a reason?

Some of the sounds are not playing at the correct volume, some are too loud for event they represent. Try making the jump noise louder the more powerful the jump; and impact more louder the more devastating the attack. The jump sound which does not sound like one of the ones I created doesn't sound too engaging and exerting. It sounds like a jump sound in some £9.99 sound effect pack; not that it sounds bad, it's just not doing much good, particularly when played loud; it does not excite me. No doubt it feels like the correct jump sound to you, perhaps my experience and gut feeling is wrong in this case.

The baddy blocks are a fun-tastic inclusion, it looks like the most interesting idea so far. Now time for some kind of story; and no one says a story cannot be told without words. What is Reggie doing and why? Why should he interest me? Why play?

Videos; you should post the videos up with music and sound. Try watching Mario or Sonic without music and sound on you tube to see what I mean; the brain has no questions raised, the heart has no emotions to feel. Watching games with no sound makes you fall a sleep; even in 'silent' scenes there are usually contrapuntal sounds (sounds un-related and external which are combined to create an interesting effect; but that is with intense emotional scenes in dramatic projects, in a kids game it should always be presented with music and sound because the music is what assists in cancelling out other conflicting thoughts)

The game is a good game, but there should be more logical puzzles in the levels, some mini puzzles, something that stirs questions in your mind instead of conclusions; curiosities instead of certainties; and all should point to somewhere where the player wants to go. For instance, put a block in the middle of a large area; raise the question, why is there one block in the middle of this large area; up poses the question and then for that moment the whole point of playing the game is to find out why the block is there, then when you lift it, a bean sprout starts to grow, or something surprising. So far it is possible to run through much of the level without feeling any curiosity, no bothering to engage into what appears to be optional attacks and pursuits; puzzles can help keep the mind a little busy, otherwise running in a straight line over a distance does not entertain.

Anyway, good to see this progress into a great game with nice shaded graphics and with such intelligent entities; still a bit too Mario, but perhaps the end product will be seen as a Reggie game and not a Mario game.

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Posted: 12th Jun 2013 23:45 Edited at: 12th Jun 2013 23:46
Hey Chris, thanks for your feedback!
Quote: "I think that point was brought out earlier, but his point is true, simplicity is appreciated.

How often do you play your game? What do you think so far?

[...]I was wondering why the coins were not positioned in a pattern. Is there a logical reason for having coins not positioned evenly in some form of pattern which children could comprehend? Is there no reason? This is a question that just sprung up while I was collecting them. Also the placing of blocks isn't fixed to a grid, is that for a reason?

Yeah I have made some places where the coins are not in a pattern, simply to have coins not in a pattern for once, I think it is like two times I made such situations in my levels. I think it is a bit boring should they always be in certain patterns.
The Block positions can only be placed in a grid, it is impossible for the engine to put the blocks not snapped to the grid, only carryable blocks can be outside of the grid order, if the player placed them there during the game. So I am really curious what do you mean with this statement.

Quote: "Some of the sounds are not playing at the correct volume, some are too loud for event they represent. Try making the jump noise louder the more powerful the jump; and impact more louder the more devastating the attack. The jump sound which does not sound like one of the ones I created doesn't sound too engaging and exerting. It sounds like a jump sound in some £9.99 sound effect pack; not that it sounds bad, it's just not doing much good, particularly when played loud; it does not excite me. No doubt it feels like the correct jump sound to you, perhaps my experience and gut feeling is wrong in this case. "

The sounds where made with a free program putting sounds out at random. I wont not change the jumping sound if you jump higher, or the impact sound, if you impact really hard, because harder impacts mean nothing in this jump and run, I don´t plan on having some kind of stomp jump in there. The only thing I could think of is making the jumping sound longer or shorter dependant on the jump height.
I also plan to use some of your sound effects for jumping of the trampoline.
And yes I have made little to no effort to get the sound effects playing at the same volume, it always sound nice for me when I tried the game.

Quote: "
For instance, put a block in the middle of a large area; raise the question, why is there one block in the middle of this large area; up poses the question and then for that moment the whole point of playing the game is to find out why the block is there, then when you lift it, a bean sprout starts to grow, or something surprising. So far it is possible to run through much of the level without feeling any curiosity, no bothering to engage into what appears to be optional attacks and pursuits; puzzles can help keep the mind a little busy, otherwise running in a straight line over a distance does not entertain.

The engine is up to this task allready, just my level design isn´t lol.
I thought multiple paths will always get the player to explore the levels (finding hidden levels with hidden power ups should be encouraging enough), I think this will boil down more,
when I can show you my new world map, which will basicaly be like the city in "Normality" where fun and individualsim has been prohibited. Secret exits will put you out in different "not reachable before" areas of the city, giving you new story bits and giving you access to secret shops, or whole new secret worlds.
I also changed some levels and also put more secrets in. Also there is now the possibility to get hidden trampolines and "power" blocks in the enigma blocks.

Quote: "
Now time for some kind of story; and no one says a story cannot be told without words. What is Reggie doing and why? Why should he interest me? Why play?"

I wrote that I am on to this part allready and I think I have a very fitting, funny and epic story for this allready, I am very busy with making modells for the game right now and it could take a while.

So I heightened the jump height, make the player fall slower and rise slower, giving you more air time. Any words on how this change feels compared to the old air time?

Thanks again for this feedback!

Chris Tate
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Posted: 13th Jun 2013 19:02 Edited at: 13th Jun 2013 19:38
Quote: "I think it is a bit boring should they always be in certain patterns. only carryable blocks can be outside of the grid order, if the player placed them there during the game. So I am really curious what do you mean with this statement."

Yes the blocks you can carry, I would have aligned them to a grid; but you know what you are creating.

Quote: "I wont not change the jumping sound if you jump higher, or the impact sound, if you impact really hard, because harder impacts mean nothing in this jump and run. The only thing I could think of is making the jumping sound longer or shorter dependant on the jump height"

Yeah; that is what I was thinking of, but I plain forgot that the sounds are generally extended in platform games, not raised in volume.

Quote: "Secret exits will put you out in different "not reachable before" areas of the city, giving you new story bits and giving you access to secret shops, or whole new secret worlds.


I wrote that I am on to this part allready and I think I have a very fitting, funny and epic story for this allready, I am very busy with making modells for the game right now and it could take a while."

Yeah, that sounds promising; looking forward to features like that.

I take it you are focusing on the technology first before designing the gameplay; that is similar to what I am doing. So this means the current levels are for testing?

Quote: "And yes I have made little to no effort to get the sound effects playing at the same volume, it always sound nice for me when I tried the game."

I suppose it's my ears, audio tests, surround sound system and head phones. I suppose people will not think that the jump noise sounds low quality. If you it sounds good to you then that is what counts because it's your creation.

Quote: "So I heightened the jump height, make the player fall slower and rise slower, giving you more air time. Any words on how this change feels compared to the old air time?"

Seems OK; the thing right now Nabs; what I notice is in a list and for some reason the things at the top of the list bother me, rather than entertain. I am only posting negative feedback to be honest instead of saying nice game, thumbs up and never buying it. I love platformers and want it to be the best game ever but for some reason it doesn't keep me playing, so I am having to think to myself, 'why am I not entertained'; I have assumed this is to do with the things I don't like about it which I mentioned.

Perhaps in a few months time when the real level design takes place, that might turn out to be the turn on.

Does anyone else have any feedback to offer, how is it? Come on, give it a go! For all you know I might be 1 in 100 who doesn't find it fun.

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Posted: 17th Jun 2013 00:45 Edited at: 11th Jul 2013 13:40
Quote: "Yes the blocks you can carry, I would have aligned them to a grid; but you know what you are creating."

Glad you reffered to the portable Blocks with their ability to be placed not snapped the grid by the player, as I am still thinkering this.

Reaching the top point of a self build stack of portable blocks would require the player to build them stair-like, if they are snapped to the grid.
This is making the process more time consuming but gives more opportunities of hiding needed portable Blocks and also more opportunities of restricting the possible path of the player for the Level designer.
Considering this, snapping them to the grid would be a better solution.
I think I will make them fast walking to the snapped positions from the position they stopped at, also I will check that they don´t walk into a fixed position above an abyss.

Quote: "
I am only posting negative feedback to be honest instead of saying nice game, thumbs up and never buying it. I love platformers and want it to be the best game ever but for some reason it doesn't keep me playing, so I am having to think to myself, 'why am I not entertained'; I have assumed this is to do with the things I don't like about it which I mentioned.

I highly apreciate the feedback Chris,
thats exactly what I want and expect from someone replying to a WIP post.
I still think the main reason for not being much entertaining is, that the ammount of possibilities in Leveldesign is still not enough to differenciate this from SMW and for guiding the player in more ways than leaving coin traces.

There is still no flying around with the jetpack.
Fluid system is also not implemented yet.
I simply couldn´t start implementing these new features yet, because I have concentrated more on technology then actual gameplay in the last times.

I changed the whole code to implement timer based movement,
also the whole matrix rewrite took a lot of time, but it really payed of, not so much in performance, but very much in code efficiency and expandability. Smooth loading and shading of the new matrix engine was really easy to add,
deforming the whole "terrain" in realtime through certain triggers is the next thing I am aiming for, when I´ll expand the engine again, writing the trigger system in the levels should be harder to actually deform the "terrain". Also more tile styles than one in a single level type are needed to be implemented as soon as possible.

I will not mention the sound problems again, I think it is simply not the time for experimenting further with SFX yet and I know they are far from perfect.

Quote: "Does anyone else have any feedback to offer, how is it? Come on, give it a go! For all you know I might be 1 in 100 who doesn't find it fun."

I really hope to hear something about the games performance differences when played with and without smooth "terrain" scrolling. Also if anyone had errors with the current physics engine or with the new camera scrolling.
I Guess no news of bugs in the physics engine are good news, but I hope more features will attract more testers in the future.

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