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Work in Progress / New Super Mario World changing to Reggie World

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Posted: 11th Jul 2013 21:56 Edited at: 11th Jul 2013 22:01
omg, just found out I forgot to upload 0.18 correctly, so here it is:

This should have the mentioned newly shaded Terrain tiles i was talking about.

Edit: Seem to have Trouble editing my first post to add this link...

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Posted: 11th Jul 2013 22:00
Have you tested this on Windows 8 yet?

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Posted: 11th Jul 2013 22:12
@ Mr Valentine:
No, as I don´t know anyone with a win8 Installation on their PCs.

Btw. Did someones Virus scanner detect the game .exes as malware? Because lately every Dbpro exe I created will be seen as a malware by malwarebytes antimalware...

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Posted: 11th Jul 2013 23:06
Quote: "No, as I don´t know anyone with a win8 Installation on their PCs. "

YOU LIE! Want me to test it? >.<

Quote: "Btw. Did someones Virus scanner detect the game .exes as malware? Because lately every Dbpro exe I created will be seen as a malware by malwarebytes antimalware..."

I find most anti malware programs to be malware themselves... I am happy with using Windows Defender / Security Essentials [over 5 years or so now and never had a single issue... {Even ran external scanners on my content, nothing comes up} it is free too]

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Posted: 11th Jul 2013 23:12
Quote: "I find most anti malware programs to be malware themselves... I am happy with using Windows Defender / Security Essentials [over 5 years or so now and never had a single issue... {Even ran external scanners on my content, nothing comes up} it is free too]"

Thinking again about this subject, MAM marked every dbpro exe as malware, not just the ones I created...

Quote: "

YOU LIE! Want me to test it? >.<"

I did not lie, NOW I know someone who has win 8 installed
feel free to give it a try, it would be highly apreciated.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2013 00:20 Edited at: 12th Jul 2013 01:21

Runs fine apart from option not working and this...

But it is a cool effect if intentional


Windows 8 Pro 64 bit Operating System
Geforce GTX 480 1.5GB GPU

I could do full screen recordings lol at that resolution if wanted or even 1080P if desired, will be good practice for me anyway...

A few other issues I found including not shrinking after falling off the path...


Fixed image link

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Posted: 12th Jul 2013 00:40
Quote: "Runs fine apart from option not working and this..."

Yeah I noticed that when running this on a friends pc who has a 16:9 Screen, but never got to fix it by using a wider Image or filling the spaces with blocks of the same Color...

Regarding the Options not working, a Little while ago I wanted to include a in game Options menue, but I just couldn´t get myself to write it, because I am a bit lazy and also because I want the core engine to be 100% perfect before implementing it at all.
However you can edit the Settings.ini manually if you want to Change Options ( You should try the smooth Scrolling Option there, Looks great, but can drop your fps significantly )

The world map not displaying like it used to be, is because I rewrote my whole engine, going away from dbpro 3d matrices to my own pure 3D triangle powered engine, which I didn´t apply to the world map, because I will Change the world map anyway.

I plan to set the game in a real life like City which is ruled by the cops who prohibit any fun and gaming at all ( a Little bit like in Normality ). You will go to different Locations in the City, find entrances into the gaming world dimension, which helps you to get to formerly not reachable Areas in that City ( secret Exits will lead you to completly secret Areas).
I also plan to make use of Npcs and dialouge in this City.

Quote: "A few other issues I found including not shrinking after falling off the path..."

That was intentionally designed this way, falling of the path is such an harsh dead I wanted to make it a Little bit more forgiving by letting the Player Keep his power ups after such a dead (it is of course unlogical at first glance )

Quote: "
I could do full screen recordings lol at that resolution if wanted or even 1080P if desired, will be good practice for me anyway..."

This would be highly appreciated too, would help me a lot in the gameplay polishment section to see some more People Play it.

Thx for testing this under Windows 8.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2013 01:27
Fixed the image to link to the file to save the forum from stretching lol

Got to the books level, too many enemies but finally understood the tile shader stuff, looks great!

SmoothLoading=1 <-- do you mean this by smooth scrolling?
AdditionalTileSize=8 <-- what is this?

Hmm, let me have a quick go at a quick video... will just complete the first level for now...

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Posted: 12th Jul 2013 01:37 Edited at: 12th Jul 2013 01:38
Quote: "Got to the books level, too many enemies but finally understood the tile shader stuff, looks great!"

Wow! You are the first tester talking about this level, I have disarmed it many times, but if you "activate" all the books there it is still very hard ( try to keep your distance to book shelfes when possible, the level will still be very hard though ).

Quote: "
SmoothLoading=1 <-- do you mean this by smooth scrolling?

Yeah I meant that with smooth scrolling,

Quote: "
AdditionalTileSize=8 <-- what is this?"

This will increase the map drawing distance, right now 8 additional tile rows is the maximum I allow.
Also those tiles only will be affected by the smooth loading effect. So reducing the additional tile rows can give you a better frame rate even when smooth scrolling is switched on.
The effect dosen´t come out that well when only 4 additional rows or less are used for smooth scrolling.

Edit: Forgot to thank you for testing the game again, so thanks again
Also thank you for fixing the large image!

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Posted: 12th Jul 2013 02:38

it should show up once uploaded, a few hours probably as the file is about 1.16GB about 20 minutes long, for some reason I got a bit more stuck than I should lol

I only had 20 something GB free on my large HDD as I was in the middle of movng some large files, make that book level a little easier and I will make another recording...

Quote: "Forgot to thank you for testing the game again, so thanks again"

Anytime, when I have time, happy to help

Quote: "Also thank you for fixing the large image!"

hehe had to be done but wanted you to see how it looked at higher than average resolution

That smooth loading is a bit of a killer, why is it so innefficient?

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Posted: 12th Jul 2013 11:07
Quote: "That smooth loading is a bit of a killer, why is it so innefficient?"

I manipulate the Position of Additional_Tyle_Size*10*6 Vertices every Frame for that. The only Thing I can think of to make it a bit more efficient is updating the positions only every second Frame ( maybe I will add an Option to use a fixed "frameskip" for smooth loading ). It is also active when you can´t see its effects (when in side view mode).

I noticed you can die easily when jumping on a cop, because the cop without the helmet can kill you sometimes, I´ll make him do no damage as Long as he dosen´t walk upright again, also I´ll apply the same to cops spawned when you jump on cops with Jet packs.

The part when you tried to wall walk up the pillar in the Lava world, don´t waste your time on it, I plan to have a secret Level Exit up there, but right now there is just an non functional warp pipe.

I will remove some more Zombies and books in the ghost Level and also in the Lava world.

Also I noticed that enemies on blocks should stop right at the Corner of a block, so I will make the checking point for them to turn around not in the Center but at the very edges of their modells.

Thanks for a such detailed test, it helped me out a lot.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2013 12:59 Edited at: 12th Jul 2013 13:00
Cool, you got a lot out of that, let me know when you make a new release and I will free up a few hundred gigs of disk space and then I can do at least an hours worth ^^ also you are more then welcome to post that video anywhere you wish to showcase it, I have not monetised it as I do not have your permission as of yet, and I would rather not ruin your chances at a good start for marketing it

One thing I must add, make a company logo with your website link, stick it on load up, and make it stay there for a few seconds, enough for me to start Fraps recording [I have a smaller KB at home which requires me to press [fn] + F9 so a bit difficult for me to catch the bumper logo in the start of the video...

Always helps to think of marketing and brand awareness early on as the effort becomes less later in the product lifecycle

Hope this helps and looking forward to making a more detailed play of everything in the next release I will fiddle with the pipes as honestly they are annoying at present that is why I ignored them this time around might make another tonight though if I feel bored


Also please advise me how I should describe the YouTube descriptions and titles , along with any linking you want in there, such as a link back to this thread etc

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Posted: 15th Jul 2013 18:40
I am still thinkering about a Company Name and logo,
I think I will use some 3D font and Blender to make a nice looking one.

I am still drafting out all aspects of the Story and I think real Marketing should start after some Story sequences are finished, so People can get a better feel how the end product will look and feel.

For YouTube descriptions I think the title "Reggie world core engine test (...) " would be the best right now, for descriptions a link to this thread would be enough, as it holds most of the Information at present time.
Company web site or game Information sites will have to wait until I start and finish my web development course next Semester.

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Posted: 16th Jul 2013 02:03
Wise decision

I will try to remember that and see if I can adjust the present one later...

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Posted: 16th Jul 2013 21:09
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Posted: 16th Jul 2013 23:29 Edited at: 16th Jul 2013 23:31
Lol nice pic
I created the levels after the first one (exclude the bonus scene with
The cop blocks) to be a bit challenging for me.
This means hard for people new to it.
Some elite gamers which didnt have trouble beatimg the first 4 levels of
Blazing star with only one coin will get a medium experience.
I myself was rather unimpressed of the difficulty of the new mario and
Sonic games ( auto aiming jumps? No way ! Wall jumping in mario ? Way to easy!)
I kinda liked the difficulty of the new donkey kong country game, which was a bit
Too easy when played single player though).
Dont worry levels in the final version will show a much more shallow learning curve
Expect only the optional levels to be as hard as your current experience is.
Btw did you manage to complete the first level without bonus?
Thanks for testing the core engine, any bugs you witnessed?

Dr Manette
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Posted: 30th Jul 2013 03:20
Big fan of mario and while I only played the first two levels (will try out more when I have time) I'm impressed that all your physics are your own.

One thing about this game that I found frustrating- some times the camera changes to a top down perspective. I would avoid doing so automatically. However, the concept is interesting and very Paper Mario. If you've never played those games I suggest you look at them. Maybe allowing the player to flip the camera on their own would work better? Again, just thoughts I had no need to throw your whole concept out.

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Posted: 30th Jul 2013 04:08
Quote: "One thing about this game that I found frustrating- some times the camera changes to a top down perspective. I would avoid doing so automatically. However, the concept is interesting and very Paper Mario. If you've never played those games I suggest you look at them. Maybe allowing the player to flip the camera on their own would work better? Again, just thoughts I had no need to throw your whole concept out."

Did you see my video above? I controlled the camera myself [hint X360]

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Posted: 30th Jul 2013 04:16
@MrValentine, oh wow I didn't watch that... a couple steps ahead of me I guess!

I'll be trying the full game soon and will make sure to check out all the controls.

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Posted: 30th Jul 2013 04:20
mind you that video was recorded at 2048x1152 and recoded for 1080P in anticipation that YouTube would play fuzz-ball by downscaling it by its methods... possibly skewing the aspect ratio, but this was an enjoyable return to video editing and publishing

Just waiting for an update to make another half our wonder

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Posted: 30th Jul 2013 14:20
Quote: "One thing about this game that I found frustrating- some times the camera changes to a top down perspective."

I am Aware of this, I added this camera behaviour back then, when I used two 3d matrices instead of pure 3D triangles.
The reason was you couldn´t ghost a certain tile of the dbpro std. 3d Matrix, so I shifted the camera up, so the Player could see Reggie when he is behind a wall.

Now that I have the Option to ghost certain tiles of my 3D "Matrix", I will make use of it and give you a steady camera Position in relation to Reggie in the next update, which will also contain a new intro and the new "world map".

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Posted: 20th Aug 2013 18:03 Edited at: 20th Aug 2013 19:29
Here is the new solution to People who where anoyed by the cameras behaviour sometimes:

I also fixed collision Routine and helmet behaviour.
I am still working on the real world engine, still rewriting and improving the main Story drafts and Scripting the Events.
Here is a preview for the opening sequence without proper Company logo or Music:

edit: tags, sig test

Ashingda 27
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Posted: 20th Aug 2013 19:37
That opening sequence was really cool!

fancy music
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Posted: 20th Aug 2013 21:30
yea that opening was pretty nice
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Posted: 20th Aug 2013 21:34

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Posted: 26th Aug 2013 19:28
I am so far finished with the first story sequences and plan to add large pushable blocks (zelda like), sticky fluid blocks, that work similar to the Mario Land 2 goo in the forest area on gb.
I hope this adds some more gameplay value to the first levels, rather than just going from left to right. Also I need to improve on my bitmap (png) font and the textbox texture for the story mode.
Further I also want to add some unique animations when enemys get you, like beeing cuffed by the cops etc.
I really hope I can release a new playable demo this weekend.

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Posted: 26th Aug 2013 21:03
Can't wait will be good fun for me when I complete this weeks tasks

Ashingda 27
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Posted: 27th Aug 2013 13:40
Looking forward to seeing those blocks getting pushed around. What do you think about being able to pick up weapons laying around like a sword or bat? Have you tried making the stage look like the city area in the opening scene? That dark atmosphere was so cool.

If you'd like I can remodel and animate your characters for you. Would love to gain more experience collaborating with others.

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Posted: 27th Aug 2013 22:08 Edited at: 27th Aug 2013 22:12
Quote: " What do you think about being able to pick up weapons laying around like a sword or bat? "

Picking up weapons and items is something I plan for the Big City, the "Level select".

Quote: "Have you tried making the stage look like the city area in the opening scene? That dark atmosphere was so cool."

I have made a City themed tileset for jump and run Levels, but because it is jump and run Dimension, it Looks not that dark.
Here is a short Video of it ( using the old blend engine, not the improved one , Music is also in Progress. )

I also plan on adding some contra ( or Metal slug ) like Dimension, where you can´t jump that high and shoot your way through while avoiding bullets. These Section would have a darker tone to them ( currently just an idea, i didn´t Experiment with that yet ).

Quote: "If you'd like I can remodel and animate your characters for you. Would love to gain more experience collaborating with others."

I have seen your skills and would love to take this offer, but I can only give you some detailed Information on what models I need exactly, when I finished the next demo,
I hope to have something ready to show this Weekend.

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Posted: 28th Aug 2013 03:12
Wow, I very much prefer that city theme it looks so cool! When ever you're ready just let me know or shoot me an email.

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Posted: 16th Sep 2013 15:23
Just updated the repository version of the earlier release, from .rar to .zip for more uniformity as users can unpack using explorer instead of an application...

Really looking forward to playing the latest version and making a video of it in HD again

Remember to upload previous and current versions onto the repository DropBox gives you a limited amount of space to play with...

I saw the updates on first post... keep up the great work!

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Posted: 17th Sep 2013 15:21
Thx MrValentine for updating the files.

My graphics Card was badly damaged and testing the game had become a game of luck. So I decided to Focus on other things until I got a replacement, for example I started studying the japanese language.

However yesterday I received my new graphics Card and I now can finally return to the development process.

I hope to make the Progress I want for the next release during this week and I am sorry I couldn´t hold the Deadline I set for myself back then.

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Posted: 17th Sep 2013 16:07
O Genki Desu Ka?

Good to see you back in form, will just wait to try the new one out

I too study Japanese [Kind of a giveaway with my company name and all lol]

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Posted: 17th Sep 2013 17:52
Okagesamade genki desu!

Anata wa?


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Posted: 18th Sep 2013 14:45

Waiting for Version Next

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Posted: 21st Nov 2013 11:05 Edited at: 21st Nov 2013 11:06
I am sorry for all the delays recently, but I just had to add new Interface Features,
( thanks Chris Tate your Memblock tutorials are awesome )
new dynamic Terrain Features, new Gadgets , new pause Feature, and of course finish my pushable blocks.
I also updated my textures and added a fancy stage intro Scene.

Furthermore I improved my large block engine, so the coords are always accurate ( used a weird method before to store those in my files, which could cut some uneven numbers badly ). Also they now use only one object per large object instead of six

Because I still want to polish my Story mode more, only a Video update again, sorry.
If interest is there, I could release the Version shown in the Video without the whole Story mode.

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Posted: 21st Nov 2013 13:54

Was thinking of this game last week, release a demo when you are ready no rush...

Stab in the Dark software
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2013 04:53
Looks like you have a rock solid game engine.
You have become a DBPro master.


WindowsXP SP3,Vista,Windows 7 SP1, DBpro v7.7RC7
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The coffee is lovely dark and deep,and I have code to write before I sleep.
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2013 10:36
Quote: "You have become a DBPro master."

Thanks for those Kind words, it took me Long enough, i started coding with dark Basic classic when i was 14 and before that I used the DIV 2 DOS game engine.
I guess my studies in IT helped me to reach a whole other Level, still have quite a way to go till I finish with a Bachelor degree.

But the main game engine may be rock solid ( shortened it from ca 13000 to ca 8500 Lines without cramming everything in one line ) but I still have much work to do regarding Level editing and Scene Scripting for Story mode.

Also I couldn´t have done it all without the great tutorials by Chris Tate regarding Memblocks. Also all the help from People who replied to this thread helped me improve the game physics for the better ( I remember when I thought: Why Keep momentum during the jump, it is hard enough to aim your jumps without it LOL ).

Ashingda 27
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Posted: 30th Nov 2013 23:38
Impressive update! The interactions with objects are so well done and I loved the intro.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2013 00:43
This is looking really good. I've just downloaded the demo (0.18) but not had a chance to play it yet. I'm guessing it might be a little outdated now.

Quote: "If interest is there, I could release the Version shown in the Video without the whole Story mode."

Yes, I think this would be a splendid idea. I suppose it depends on how far off you finishing the story mode and if playing the demo would ruin the experience of the story mode.

Personally, I don't think a game like this needs a story mode. It's not a criticism, it's just something I've been thinking about recently. Exactly how much of a story does any game actually need?

Anyway, keep up the good work.

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Posted: 13th Dec 2013 14:14
Thanks for the kind words!

Quote: "I've just downloaded the demo (0.18) but not had a chance to play it yet. I'm guessing it might be a little outdated now.

Current Version I have right now is labeled 0.32... Yes the old version is outdated.

Quote: "Personally, I don't think a game like this needs a story mode. It's not a criticism, it's just something I've been thinking about recently. Exactly how much of a story does any game actually need?"

I am also thinkering about the story mode, it still needs lots of modelling and animation work, till it is polished enough. I am starting to think that the whole playable story mode, could easily take more time then programming the main engine and making the levels combined.

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Posted: 19th Dec 2013 01:51
Are there going to be new levels or boss fights in the story mode? I only ask because you could release the current game as the first game and then release the story based game as Reggie World 2, or maybe 1.5, if there's enough new content to justify it.

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Posted: 27th Jan 2014 11:14
I still have not enough Content to justify a reggie world 1.0.

I have only 8 maps that are usable so far.
Also i am still working on the main concept.
I finally decided for a new savepoint design and added it to the game, but there is still a new finish point and Level outro design to be done.

I could not add mutch in the meantime, but I uploaded a new screenie of the new things I have added. It is right on top in the main post of this thread.

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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 00:02
awesome looking game bro!

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