Here is exactly what i did, step by step.
1. duplicate C:\Android\AGK\IDE\apps\interpreter_android
2. rename it C:\Android\AGK\IDE\apps\test
3. open C:\Android\AGK\IDE\apps\test\.project with Notepad++
4. change <name>AGK Player</name> on line 3 to <name>test</name>
5. save C:\Android\AGK\IDE\apps\test\.project
6. open C:\Android\AGK\IDE\apps\test\AndroidManifest.xml
7. change android:versionName="1.0.1083" package="com.thegamecreators.agk_player"> on line 4 to android:versionName="1.0.1083" package="com.thegamecreators.test"> (as im not uplaoding it, its ok to leave it the same isn't it?)
8. save it
9. open C:\Android\AGK\IDE\apps\test\res\values\strings.xml with notepad++
10. change <string name="app_name">AGK Player</string> on line 3 to <string name="app_name">test</string>
11. make sure line 260 in C:\Android\AGK\IDE\apps\interpreter\interpreter.cpp is NOT commented
12. open C:\Android\AGK\IDE\apps\test\HardCodedCompileScript.bat
13. change lines 2 and 3 to:
C:\Android\cygwin\bin\bash -c "PATH=/bin:$PATH /cygdrive/c/android/android-ndk-r6b/ndk-build clean"
C:\Android\cygwin\bin\bash -c "PATH=/bin:$PATH /cygdrive/c/android/android-ndk-r6b/ndk-build 2> log.txt"
14. save and run HardCodedCompileScript.bat
15. import the project into Eclipse
16. use project>Clean
note. there are no errors at the moment
17. make a small program in agk
fps = ScreenFPS()
18. compile it
19. copy its .byc file into C:\Android\AGK\IDE\apps\test\assets
20. rename it bytecode.byc
21. use project>Clean
note. there are still no errors at the moment
22. use run>run
23. select Android Application
24. Close Android Device Chooser
25. the resulting test.apk is now in C:\Android\AGK\IDE\apps\test\bin
26. test.apk doesn't work, its just has a blank screen
Note: I have already done a small amount of 'patch work' on interpreter_android, I modified |screenSize|smallestScreenSize error and and from the page you referred me to before
There are 10 types of people, those who understand binary and those who don't