Hi MrValentine. In finish I just would to get the linear velocity of one actor.
The DYN GET LINEAR VELOCITY seems to do that but, from the manual:
Quote: "
DYN GET LINEAR VELOCITY (int objectID, int vector3ID)
Fetches the linear velocity of an actor and places the values in the given vector.
objectID - ID number of the object whose associated actor you wish to access.
vector3ID - ID number of the vector you wish to use to collect the data.
You haven't DarkDynamix but maybe you can help me about.
From what I understand, this command let us collect the linear velocity data of a rigid body,not returning a value but filling a 3D vector...
Maybe we can use DYN UTIL ARRAY VEC3 GET command to pass the 3D vector to an array.. .From the manual:
Quote: "
DYN UTIL ARRAY VEC3 GET (unsigned int position, int outVec3ID)
This command will get the 3 float vector at the given array index.
position - Position in the array, starts at 0.
ourVec3ID - ID number of the dark basic vector to place the required data.
What do you think about?