Well, if so it needs looking into, as it is hard enough to earn revenue without extra losses from bugs. Every month I pretty much get half the impression rate, than the request rate. Which even with small numbers is still a lot of revenue missed (precentage wise). The new admob commands sound like they may be more useful, as it is a more recognised brand, however simply dropping Inneractive and moving to another advertiser is not as simple as it sounds.
I'm sure most people who have released an android title and have used Inneractive for revenue are still way short of the $200 minimum needed to receive payment. So, you either hang on to try to reach it, add more apps to help reach it faster, or of course, forget whatever you have earned so far, move to admob, and hope the new revenue will be more lucrative to make up for the loss. Also, admob is only for iphone? So only iphone apps could go this route anyway.
Another thing, did anyone notice much of an upsurge in revenue over December? I had a better month than normal (record earnings to date), although hardly enough to buy a half of lager here, so not planning my vacation any time soon. Of course it will probably be years before I get paid at this rate anyway