You can have 'however' many projects open at the same time, they all reside and are selectable on the left hand side, then above the code window each source file should be a tab.
You can even save your whole workspace - so when your done, you can just save everything, then save your workspace as a seperate file - then when you get back to it, just load the workspace and your projects you were working on will all be there.
To make a secondary project, like if you have a game project, and alongside it you need a level editor project for it, then create a new project and specify the same folder to store it in, but give it a different project name of course. You might run into issues, like maybe when you compile, you can only compile one of the projects at a time, as the project bytecode might be set as a specific filename, so 2 projects can't exist at the same time with the same bytecode file. The only way to know, would be to try making a secondary project inside another projects folder. An option to get around this would be to dynamically specify the folders in the level editor project - like load the media and save the data in the required location, maybe directly specifying the main projects media path.
I got a fever, and the only prescription, is more memes.