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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / <X9> Equinox Reborn

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 08:06 Edited at: 2nd May 2013 22:17

Current Status

Addendum: Level 0: In Queue
Level 1: Complete!
Level 2: Complete!
Level 3: Complete!
Level 4: Complete!
Level 5: Complete!
Level 6: Complete!
Level 7: Constructing

Link to Old Version for Comparison


Experience all there is to offer on board the UTF Station: The Endeavor, after receiving a most intriguing work opportunity. The details are sketchy, the contact won't even provide his name, and all that you have to work on is a rather vague set of instructions. For the kind of pay that's being offered however, how can you resist? What could go wrong? It's just a job after all...isn't it?

Note from author:

Hello all!

Well I wanted to just use the old thread on this game so as not to clutter the forums here.
That one however is locked evidently, and not even the kind admin who patiently listened to my plea could do anything about it!

So here we are, once again. Clean slate.

Let us begin...

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 08:53 Edited at: 31st Jan 2013 08:53
I remember this, I wasn't sure if anything would ever become of it, it was looking good.

Nice work so far, looks like you've got some transparency issues with the screenshots though.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 12:55
Ekipshi - Nice! looks evident that a lot of work has gone into this...

Some new users are unaware of the Profile button and how to use it, but here is the link to your other thread just in case anybody was wondering what the other cool screenshots look like...

I see a bit of DREAMFALL in your work... have you played it yet? did it inspire your work at all?

Keep it up!

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 17:42 Edited at: 31st Jan 2013 17:43
I would comment on the screens, but they all look like this:

I guess those areas are all areas that are supposed to be black in the game? Because I've gotten this before too and it's quite annoying.


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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 18:01
Metal Devil123 - What browser are you using?

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 18:43
Oh dearie, they look fine on this end, what could be causing that?

Also, Mr Valentine, just a heads up, that old post is obsolete. Those last 4 screenshots in this thread, are replacing the level seen in the old thread.
It's old, and it never worked right. I still have the old levels though if you were interested.

On the note of dreamfall, are you referring to the longest journey? I have yet to play any of those titles.
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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 18:58
Ekipshi - I can remove the link if you wish, just thought it would be nice to show your previous work so people can compare and praise your new efforts

Yes indeed, the very same, I have not completed the first one, but DREAMFALL TLJ is superb... it HAS to be played out at least once!

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 20:37
Those screenshots remind me very much of the areas prior to the training levels in System Shock 2, and any game that reminds me of such an epic old game, gets my vote!

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 21:03
I'm using chrome, but I saw this effect sometimes on my Firefox days, never this bad though.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 21:27 Edited at: 31st Jan 2013 21:28
These screenshots are really out of this world. I do faintly remember seeing the old thread now that I revisited it.
I'm really intrigued with what you are planning to do with this project. It really sets itself apart!

However, I too am seeing transparency problems with the images. I'm using Chrome.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2013 22:06
Ok for the people who have transparency problems with the images, I think the way to solve this is to use Mozilla Firefox because thats what i am using and have no problem

Anyway this looks good and for some reason reminds me of doom 3 keep it up
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Posted: 1st Feb 2013 02:50
Ok, first post should be fixed now for those of you having issues viewing.

Tested the original in chrome and I was having the same transparency issues. I have tested it now with Chrome and there is no more transparency in the photos.

Something about the way FPSC handles the BMP screenshots exports anything that's completely black as transparency so when I opened it up in GIMP, there was indeed the transparent areas that needed to be filled in.

Something to keep in mind if anyone else decides to use FPSC's screen grabber!
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Posted: 1st Feb 2013 03:37
Quote: "Ok, first post should be fixed now for those of you having issues viewing.

Tested the original in chrome and I was having the same transparency issues. I have tested it now with Chrome and there is no more transparency in the photos."

Looks good in Chrome, FireFox, and Maxthon.

Nice work on this development!!!

Quote: "Something about the way FPSC handles the BMP screenshots exports anything that's completely black as transparency so when I opened it up in GIMP, there was indeed the transparent areas that needed to be filled in.

Something to keep in mind if anyone else decides to use FPSC's screen grabber! "

We use the screen grabber in FPSC, but altered our source to either allow PNG or JPG either by script or hot key. The BMP choice is not exactly a good format- why it has never changed is beyond me. We also use an application called Gadwin's PrintScreen. It does great screenshots in many formats, can resize your image(s), add a stamp on it, and take your shots in different "views" (full screen, rectangular area, etc).

There's no problem that can't be solved without applying a little scripting.
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 1st Feb 2013 07:08
Now they work and they look awesome! Really good work with this

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2013 12:59
@Ekipshi This is looking great. What kind of gameplay are you aiming for? A kind of sci-fi RPG/Shooter? - Digital Art Community | - My Creative Blog
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2013 18:31
Quote: "@Ekipshi This is looking great. What kind of gameplay are you aiming for? A kind of sci-fi RPG/Shooter?"

Nothing crazy on this title, pretty back to the basics. Mostly just a humble game and it's author trying to tell a story.

I've posted a bit more info on the Header post!
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Posted: 5th Feb 2013 16:29
I did some research recently and came across CMYK colours... if those original images were saved using CMYK colours then some parts are stored as transparent...

Just thought it needed mentioning for future reference

Now can we see some more WIP shots

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Posted: 6th Feb 2013 14:49
All right, for anyone that was/is interested, I did find the old zip of the levels seen in the old thread.

Played through them and...well, I hate them. I hate them with a passion lol. Of course, they weren't finished but, still.

So here's the link

May it serve you well, or not.

These are NOT going in the version seen in this thread.
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Posted: 6th Feb 2013 16:11

This is looking very promissing indeed with its stylish visuals and set layout.

I wish you all the best of luck with this and will keep an eye on this in future.
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Posted: 10th Feb 2013 20:05 Edited at: 14th Feb 2013 04:58
Top Post has been updated with an updated version of the new WIP Shot

(Why am I editing the old message to say this?)
(Also be sure to check the Current Status section in the Top Post)

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Posted: 15th Feb 2013 04:16

Two more shots have been posted in the top post!

I keep the current status section up to date so you can get a general idea of where this is coming along!
(Don't ask how many levels there will be, because I have no clue! As many levels as it takes to tell the story and deliver the experience)

Shoot me a message if you've got feedback/advice!

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Posted: 15th Feb 2013 07:56
So far so good. This is definitely a title I'm looking forward to playing. - Digital Art Community | - My Creative Blog
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Posted: 15th Feb 2013 08:04
Very detailed, very good. Just looking at the pictures doesn't tell a lot about the gameplay.

Quote: "Mostly just a humble game and it's author trying to tell a story."

So its more of a story driven game?

Anyway, looks good and unique, the style is defined. Keep it up.

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Metal Devil123
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Posted: 15th Feb 2013 08:38
Every time I see something new, I fall in love with this even more! This is looking so great that I'm kinda glad your first attempts failed Really awesome work!

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Posted: 15th Feb 2013 20:38
Quote: "Very detailed, very good. Just looking at the pictures doesn't tell a lot about the gameplay.

So its more of a story driven game?"

Precisely. It is mostly an experience in a vibrant sci-fi universe with a simple goal driving it forward.

It's probably not what a lot of people come looking for here. This particular title is a bit of a... foundation, for future (possible) titles. A prologue if you will.

Quote: "Every time I see something new, I fall in love with this even more! This is looking so great that I'm kinda glad your first attempts failed. Really awesome work!"

Hehe, well actually, the last thread I had made, those levels DID technically work (as you can see for yourself first hand in the top post), but I had to put down FPSC for a while as life decided that hobbies were verboten for a spell...

When I came back, I loaded up those old levels, and..I hated them. I sat down and played through them, and absolutely hated the flow, the events, and the levels themselves.

So, I decided, that a fresh return to FPSC, deserved a fresh and clear new perspective on the project.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2013 11:27
Its a lot better than your old work! (which was good too, just not as good.) I still like your open and clean futuristic leveldesign. Its still a little boxy and fpscish but I can see that you are not afraid of bigger and detailed rooms as well as levels with multiple storys. It looks a lot like a Pre-nextgen PC Shooter. (Chaser, Deus Ex: Invisible War etc.) and has already lost almost all of the FPSC Stigma. I always enjoy to see a fellow user break through that dreaded FPSCreator look.

I also had to stare a full second at the third screenshot because I totally forgot that I sold these models Great use of them by the way

Keep it up! I hope that we can play some bits of your new version soon.


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Posted: 22nd Feb 2013 06:48 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2013 06:55
Top Post has been updated with a new shot!

Also.. can't tell if it's just Firefox wigging out on me, anyone else seeing the title of this as "&ltX9> Equinox Reborn" in the browser tab?

Quote: "Its a lot better than your old work! (which was good too, just not as good.)"

Don't worry, I like this version a whole lot better myself.

I can see what you mean about the boxy look. I'll admit that I've probably lazily passed it off as part of FPSC's "charm" as I'm working on some of the levels.
It's difficult sometimes, depending on the scene, to find ways to shape the levels a little but have it fit in.

As for your models, can't thank you enough, they were exactly what I needed!

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2013 20:44
Quote: "<X9> Equinox Reborn"

I see that too, on Chrome.

The newest screen looks fabulous! Even though for a while now I have been mixing some Metro Theater stuff with sci-fi, never had I thought that the segments could mix that well. Looks amazing!

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2013 22:28
@Ishpike: Well, just mail me the textures you use the most frequent and I give you some primitives and architectural segments to get you going


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Posted: 23rd Feb 2013 23:55
I appreciate the offer, but the textures I seem to use the most (sadly lol) are the stock ones. I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to send those around.

Aside from that, it's mostly a few textures here and there from CP's original Sci-Fi packs and the metro theater segs.

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Posted: 24th Feb 2013 08:59 Edited at: 5th Jun 2013 21:51
this looks absolutely gorgeous and you're doing a near flawless job using a collage of different media and effectively creating a postcyberpunk universe that oozes life and squeezes the very best out of fpsc. great work

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Posted: 6th Mar 2013 19:21 Edited at: 6th Mar 2013 19:23
Quote: "this looks absolutely gorgeous and you're doing a near flawless job using a collage of different media and effectively creating a postcyberpunk universe that oozes life and squeezes the very best out of fpsc. great work"

Thanks Bugsy, nice to hear that from someone who does some phenomenal cyberpunk/sci-fi environments.

Progress is going at a decent pace folks, and I'd like to present a request.

I'm getting some people together for voice acting bits, and I'd like to extend this to those of you on the boards here.

-All roles would be very minor with 1-3 spoken bits.
-Decent Microphone quality is desired

Email Me (along with a voice example) if interested, I will reply with available roles, OR If everyone wishes, I can post the roles in the top post.

This Thread/Post should adhere to the Team Request Guidelines listed on the site. If I am however in the wrong, please inform me and I will remove this post promptly.

Thanks for your support!

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Posted: 10th Mar 2013 21:45
Top Post has been updated with a new shot!

Shot may look a bit distorted, I was testing in 1600x900 and converted it down to the default 1024x768. Wanted to keep it uniform with the rest of the shots.

Engine looks fabulous with proper AA and A. Filtering, too bad it's not built in.

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Posted: 11th Mar 2013 05:28
Too flash, too flash

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Posted: 11th Mar 2013 16:02
Latest screenshot looks a lot like Mass Effect! Great job on using your media in an outside-of-the-box way!

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Metal Devil123
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Posted: 14th Mar 2013 20:07
Quote: "Latest screenshot looks a lot like Mass Effect"

Exactly what came to my head! It looks great! And I love how you have a very strong bloom, but it doesn't hurt my eyes a bit, like many times here it does. Truly great job!

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Posted: 18th Mar 2013 15:40
Hi guys, I'd like to ask a favor, I'd like to get a sample of how the program will/won't run on other PC's. If anyone is interested, please E-mail me at the address below and I will send a build of Level 1, which is for some reason, the most memory consuming.

-I'd like to see if the game runs (It does on my older pc, but I need a broader sample)
-I'd like some insight as to why this level is eating so much memory (on the very rain slick precipice of the memory cap)

Thank you!


Quote: "Latest screenshot looks a lot like Mass Effect! Great job on using your media in an outside-of-the-box way"

Hah, yeah, it does sort of look Mass effect-ish. Great, now I gotta scrap it

Quote: "Too flash, too flash"


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Posted: 2nd May 2013 22:16
Just bumping as I'd rather not face the Auto-lock again.
(How long is it actually before it locks?)

Progress is slow, nothing new (that's ready) to show, but I should have something before too long

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