im using the AppGameKit player i got from the download page after a purchased it. here is the code:
//boolean values
global true = 1
global false = 0
//setup =====================================================================================================
//app setup and value gather
SetDisplayAspect( 10.0/16.0 )
setvirtualresolution (200, 320)
setclearcolor (4, 4, 4) //245, 245, 220
setprintcolor (0, 0, 0)
width = getvirtualwidth()
height = getvirtualheight()
setorientationallowed (1, 0, 0, 0)
background = createsprite (loadimage ("background.png"))
setspriteposition (background, 0, 0)
setspritesize (background, getvirtualwidth(), getvirtualheight())
logo = createsprite (loadimage ("logo.png"))
setspriteposition (logo, width*0.55, height*0.65)
setspritesize (logo, width*0.4, height*0.25)
//text setup
title = createtext("Overtime Assistant")
settextsize (title, 15)
settextcolor (title, 0, 0, 0, 255)
settextposition (title, (width / 2) - (gettexttotalwidth(title)/2), 10)
global day
global month
global year
day = floor (val (right (getcurrentdate(), 2)))
month = floor (val (right (left (getcurrentdate(), 7), 2)))
year = floor (val (left (getcurrentdate(), 4)))
if day = 0 then day = 1
if month = 0 then month = 1
if year = 0 then year = 2013
global hour = 0
global min = 0
daytext = createtext (str (day))
monthtext = createtext (str (month))
yeartext = createtext (str (year))
hourtext = createtext ("0")
mintext = createtext ("00")
settextcolor (daytext, 0, 0, 0, 255)
settextcolor (monthtext, 0, 0, 0, 255)
settextcolor (yeartext, 0, 0, 0, 255)
settextcolor (hourtext, 0, 0, 0, 255)
settextcolor (mintext, 0, 0, 0, 255)
settextsize (daytext, 15)
settextsize (monthtext, 15)
settextsize (yeartext, 15)
settextsize (hourtext, 25)
settextsize (mintext, 25)
settextposition (daytext, width*0.15 - gettexttotalwidth(daytext)/ 2, 80)
settextposition (monthtext, width*0.35 - gettexttotalwidth(monthtext)*0.5, 80)
settextposition (yeartext, width*0.65 - gettexttotalwidth(yeartext)*0.5, 80)
settextposition (hourtext, width*0.3 - gettexttotalwidth(hourtext)*0.5, 130)
settextposition (mintext, width*0.6 - gettexttotalwidth(mintext)*0.5, 130)
daytext2 = createtext ("Day")
monthtext2 = createtext ("Month")
yeartext2 = createtext ("Year")
hourtext2 = createtext ("Hours")
mintext2 = createtext ("Minutes")
settextcolor (daytext2, 0, 0, 0, 255)
settextcolor (monthtext2, 0, 0, 0, 255)
settextcolor (yeartext2, 0, 0, 0, 255)
settextcolor (hourtext2, 0, 0, 0, 255)
settextcolor (mintext2, 0, 0, 0, 255)
settextsize (daytext2, 10)
settextsize (monthtext2, 10)
settextsize (yeartext2, 10)
settextsize (hourtext2, 10)
settextsize (mintext2, 10)
settextposition (daytext2, (gettextx (daytext) + gettexttotalwidth (daytext) / 2) - (gettexttotalwidth (daytext2) / 2), 60)
settextposition (monthtext2, (gettextx (monthtext) + gettexttotalwidth (monthtext) / 2) - (gettexttotalwidth (monthtext2) / 2), 60)
settextposition (yeartext2, (gettextx (yeartext) + gettexttotalwidth (yeartext) / 2) - (gettexttotalwidth (yeartext2) / 2), 60)
settextposition (hourtext2, (gettextx (hourtext) + gettexttotalwidth (hourtext) / 2) - (gettexttotalwidth (hourtext2) / 2), 110)
settextposition (mintext2, (gettextx (mintext) + gettexttotalwidth (mintext) / 2) - (gettexttotalwidth (mintext2) / 2), 110)
//button setup
addvirtualbutton (1, gettextx (daytext) + gettexttotalwidth (daytext) + 15, gettexty (daytext), 12)
addvirtualbutton (2, gettextx (daytext) + gettexttotalwidth (daytext) + 15, gettexty (daytext) + gettexttotalheight (daytext), 12)
addvirtualbutton (3, gettextx (monthtext) + gettexttotalwidth (monthtext) + 15, gettexty (monthtext), 12)
addvirtualbutton (4, gettextx (monthtext) + gettexttotalwidth (monthtext) + 15, gettexty (monthtext) + gettexttotalheight (monthtext), 12)
addvirtualbutton (5, gettextx (yeartext) + gettexttotalwidth (yeartext) + 15, gettexty (yeartext), 12)
addvirtualbutton (6, gettextx (yeartext) + gettexttotalwidth (yeartext) + 15, gettexty (yeartext) + gettexttotalheight (yeartext), 12)
addvirtualbutton (7, gettextx (hourtext) + gettexttotalwidth (hourtext) + 15, gettexty (hourtext), 12)
addvirtualbutton (8, gettextx (hourtext) + gettexttotalwidth (hourtext) + 15, gettexty (hourtext) + gettexttotalheight (hourtext), 12)
addvirtualbutton (9, gettextx (mintext) + gettexttotalwidth (mintext) + 19, gettexty (mintext), 12)
addvirtualbutton (10, gettextx (mintext) + gettexttotalwidth (mintext) + 19, gettexty (mintext) + gettexttotalheight (mintext), 12)
addlistpic1 = loadimage ("AddToList.png")
addlistpic2 = loadimage ("AddToList2.png")
addlistbutton = createsprite (addlistpic1)
setspriteposition (addlistbutton, width*0.04, height*0.75)
setspritesize (addlistbutton, width*0.4, height*0.13)
//other setup
global starttime as float
global time as float
global timepassed as float
tempstr$ = ""
if getvirtualbuttonpressed(1) = 1
daychange (1)
settextstring (daytext, str (day))
if getvirtualbuttonpressed(2) = 1
daychange (0)
settextstring (daytext, str (day))
if getvirtualbuttonpressed(3) = 1
month = month + 1
if month = 13
month = 1
daycheck ( )
settextstring (monthtext, str (month))
settextstring (daytext, str (day))
if getvirtualbuttonpressed(4) = 1
month = month - 1
if month = 0
month = 12
daycheck ( )
settextstring (monthtext, str (month))
settextstring (daytext, str (day))
if getvirtualbuttonpressed(5) = 1
year = year + 1
daycheck ( )
settextstring (yeartext, str (year))
settextstring (daytext, str (day))
if getvirtualbuttonpressed(6) = 1
year = year - 1
daycheck ( )
settextstring (yeartext, str (year))
settextstring (daytext, str (day))
if getvirtualbuttonpressed(7) = 1
hour = hour + 1
settextstring (hourtext, str (hour))
if getvirtualbuttonpressed(8) = 1
if hour > 0
hour = hour - 1
settextstring (hourtext, str (hour))
if getvirtualbuttonpressed(9) = 1
min = min + 30
if min = 60
min = 0
hour = hour + 1
settextstring (mintext, str (min) + "0")
settextstring (hourtext, str (hour))
settextstring (mintext, str (min))
if getvirtualbuttonpressed(10) = 1
if hour => 1
min = min - 30
if min = -30
min = 30
hour = hour - 1
settextstring (mintext, str (min))
settextstring (hourtext, str (hour))
settextstring (mintext, str (min) + "0")
elseif min = 30
min = 0
settextstring (mintext, str (min) + "0")
if getpointerpressed() = 1 and getpointerx() => getspritex(addlistbutton) and getpointery() => getspritey(addlistbutton) and getpointerx() =< (getspritex(addlistbutton) + getspritewidth(addlistbutton)) and getpointery() =< (getspritey(addlistbutton) + getspriteheight(addlistbutton))
setspriteimage (addlistbutton, addlistpic2)
sync ()
wait (1)
setspriteimage (addlistbutton, addlistpic1)
sync ()
function daychange (up)
if month = 1 or month = 3 or month = 5 or month = 7 or month = 8 or month = 10 or month = 12
if up = false
day = day - 1
if day < 1
day = 31
elseif up = true
day = day + 1
if day > 31
day = 1
elseif month = 2
if up = false
day = day - 1
if day < 1
day = 28 + getleapyear (year)
elseif up = true
day = day + 1
if day > (28 + getleapyear (year))
day = 1
elseif month = 4 or month = 6 or month = 9 or month = 11
if up = false
day = day - 1
if day < 1
day = 30
elseif up = true
day = day + 1
if day > 30
day = 1
endfunction ()
function daycheck ()
if month = 1 or month = 3 or month = 5 or month = 7 or month = 8 or month = 10 or month = 12
if day > 31
day = 31
elseif month = 2
if day > (28 + getleapyear (year))
day = 28 + getleapyear (year)
elseif month = 4 or month = 6 or month = 9 or month = 11
if day > 30
day = 30
endfunction ()
function wait (time)
starttime = timer()
timepassed = 0
while time < timepassed
timepassed = Timer() - starttime
endfunction ()
I'm not brilliant, it works on the computer, but it wont broadcast to android devices properly. The wait function at the end needs touching up, but I'm on that.