ok, can anybody here help at all with this problem,
I've installed eclipse indigo, installed the android SDK packages (API 9 + 13), ran cygwin on the interpreter_android folder which was successful.
I have made a Tier 1 BASIC app and have updated to AppGameKit v108 (but it still says build 107 under Help > About for some reason, I've got all the new commands though, I have also created all the correct files and folders on C:/Android etc - copied the interpreter and interpreter_android folder over too.
Now when I import the AppGameKit player project into eclipse I get 38 errors, such as:
DialogError cannot be resolved to a type - line 455
DialogListener cannot be resolved to a type - line 453
Facebook cannot be resolved to a type
Session cannot be resolved
Session cannot be resolved to a type
statusCallback cannot be resolved to a variable
The import com.facebook cannot be resolved
The method asBinder() of type IMarkeyBillingService.stub must override a superclass method.
I have 38 of these errors all under the paths AppGameKit Player/src/come/thegamecreators/agk_player
AGK Player/gen/come/android/vending/billing
I have tried everything, even uninstalling everything and reinstalling. I've look through countless numbers of walk-throughs but they all say to just "right click the project, go to android tools and click fix project properties" which never works.
How have people got around this issue? is there something I'm unaware of?
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