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Dark GDK / Dark GDK for beginners?

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Joined: 2nd May 2008
Posted: 7th Mar 2013 03:56
Man it has been a long time since I have been on these forums.

I have been taking C++ in college with the intent of getting into game development.

I am fairly confident with my C++ but mainly with just console applications, not graphical stuff.

I have looked around at various engines from freeware stuff to commercial stuff like Unreal and Source. UDK does not allow access to the C++ files so I wouldn't want to mess around with that just yet, and Source has very little documentation so the source files just went over my head.

How well is Dark GDK documented? My main problem is that most of these engines are not well documented so a good majority of the content is way above my skill level.

Does Dark GDK work well with the TGC store(for models etc), and which tools can I used to create maps that are usable in Dark GDK?
Mr Bigglesworth
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Posted: 7th Mar 2013 17:39
DarkGDK has a good documentation of the commands. It is fairly easy to get into, as the commands are simple enough to understand.

DarkGDK works great with TGC store assets, since they were made for dbPro, FPS Creator, and DarkGDK. To create maps I reccomend MapScape ( it is made for dbPro and DarkGDK.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask.
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Posted: 8th Mar 2013 01:21
Does the free version of Dark GDK work for Visual Studio 2010, or do I have to buy Dark GDK 2.0 to be able to work in VS 2010?
Mr Bigglesworth
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Posted: 8th Mar 2013 03:29
The community released a patch to work in VC++ 2010, you can get it here:

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