I don't know if I'm missing something, but I cant see my models in agk.
In blender I have created a cube to test, applied a material and texture, triangulated the faces then exported as .obj. Ive tried scaling the cube between 1 and 1000 before exporting, and have also played with the scale in agk, but the cube is never visible.
I retried in a test case, to confirm it wasn't a problem with my engine code, and the model still doesn't show.
obj = 1;
img = 1;
agk::LoadImage(img, "dev.png");
agk::LoadObject(obj, "enemy1.obj");
agk::SetObjectImage(obj, img, 0);
agk::SetObjectVisible(obj, 1);
agk::SetObjectPosition(obj, 0, 0, 0);
The media directory is in the same directory as the application, and the files are in there as needed. There is also a .mtl file for the model, although I think I read that's not needed anyway.