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Code Snippets / [DBP] - A-star with path simplification

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Posted: 24th Mar 2013 15:55 Edited at: 24th Mar 2013 18:28
Hi there, i wrote this A* like pathfinding system recently and it features a simple system that reduces the amount of waypoints by removing unnecessary ones. its pretty fast and has a modifier that defines how fast or slow (unnaccurate vs accurate) the function will run. the demo needs a2plugin and maybe matrix plugin. it works with very big and convoluted maps assuming you dont have the detail setting too low (lower number = more accurate )

real A-star is probably faster and more accurate but this is what i came up with (based on previous knowledge of A-star)

improved the code substantially, it now reports the true fastest route very often and quite quickly. The grid in the image is a 160x120 grid and it has very unusual and quite A* unfriendly geometry. the path took 2.2ms to find and it is the fastest possible one in that grid. suboptimal paths (2% slower) can be found at 1.8ms. the path spans a length of 206 units (diagonals count as 1.415) while it only consists of 66 waypoints.


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DBPro Master
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Location: Metropia
Posted: 29th Mar 2013 07:34
A fairly small amount of code for what appears to be fast and effective pathfinding. Nice work.

"You're all wrong. You're all idiots." ~Fluffy Rabbit
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Posted: 1st Apr 2013 14:47
thank you

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