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Dark GDK / Why is the refraction map rendering so slow here?

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Joined: 28th Dec 2005
Location: Sweden
Posted: 25th Mar 2013 00:03 Edited at: 25th Mar 2013 00:04
I'm writing a game engine and have came upon a slowdown issue that is just not good enough.
I'm using Evolved's fresnel water shader (link) and have pretty much ported his example code directly to DarkGDK, albeit I have modularized it a bit.

Here's the main code part for it; I'm using some of my own classes but I don't think that's what's slowing it down - as you can see I've timed just the would-be "sync" part from dbpro (which is wrapped as Camera::render(fastsync_boolean) in my library).
What this function does is it sets the sync mask to the given camera if it isn't already and then calls dbSync(fastSyncFlag):

The weird thing is that the refraction camera's "sync call" takes between 40 - 80 milliseconds to complete (it differs since I'm culling objects depending on the beholder position*), while the reflection rendering lies between 1 - 14 milliseconds. The main render pass ("camera 0") is also timed and ends up at 3 - 11 milliseconds in my test scene.
Thus, it is obvious that the refraction render takes way more time than the other cameras and I just cannot figure out what would cause this. Do anybody have any ideas?

Also, although probably quite a different question, my rendering speed drops quite significantly when increasing the UV tiling on my terrain. This is also something which I don't think is usual (yes, it has mipmapping enabled) and if anybody have some information on that I would be happy to hear it as well.

Thanks for any hints,
- A frustrated Rudolpho

* The culling information is only updated for the main camera, not for the ones used to render the shader maps here.

"Why do programmers get Halloween and Christmas mixed up?"
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Joined: 28th Dec 2005
Location: Sweden
Posted: 25th Mar 2013 12:18
Forum rubber ducking for the win... hehe.
Turns out the problem lied in the way I was wrapping UV coordinates in my terrain shader. A hint to anybody doing this, the modulo operator works with floats in HLSL....

"Why do programmers get Halloween and Christmas mixed up?"

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