After much heart and soul searching I bought the combo deal of :
AGK Community Edition + Book on the basic usage
The deal is awesome at USD 99.
But the shipping has ZERO choice. I am DarkBasic member-user since 2005 and basically happy enough playing with the freebies.
This combo-deal requires an incredible shipping cost of USD 49.
So basically I could have bought another licensed version copy of AppGameKit for the price of the Shipping.
Anyways, can't wait for them to process the order.
I mean I would have gladly waited 15 days for shipping if it was a regular snail-mail postage. But overnight delivery of the AppGameKit combo was tempting enough for me to cough up 49 dollar shipping to India.
Best Wishes,
Ujjwal Dey
Bomb-aye, India.
I am NOT STUPID, just Careless when Eager.
- Ujjwal Dey ~ www.freedomfiction.com