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Work in Progress / Model Props 2013 (wip)

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Posted: 8th Apr 2013 05:17 Edited at: 8th Apr 2013 05:32
Well I have finally gotten enough progress I think to start a thread for this one.

Model Props 2013 is an enhanced updated version of mp2011 and will be jam packed with more editing features for creating models and animations.

This application is more built for low poly editing for keeping things simple and uses limb mesh based models for linking and animating. Model Prop Creates the model , animates it, and then saves it out to the direct x format animated so all you need to do is use the simplest commands in db classic or db pro to load your animated models in.

Quote: " its easy as:
load object 1,"blah.x"
loop object 1

no crazy coding or plugins needed to get the animations to play back. Also the exported .x will also be a smooth playback.

here is a screen shot and I will have more news to follow.

(yes they were created with mp2011) but they still load in 2013 as the format is the same.

I really like the quick parts menu for fast creation of new models.
It is fully editable and you can make parts and save them into the quick parts menu.

This would be similar to Doga CGA 2 or 3 except....usable with animations lol!

Also a new addition to mp2013 is that the quick parts menu can also contain animation data. etc... I should be able to load some legs in from it with animations already...and boom animated character.

The animation key info can be modified:
-offsets (positions)

with those 3 you can make any kind of animation you can think of.

What you cant do is a solid mesh limb based animation. They need to be separate mesh limbs.

As soon as more information is available for agk id also like to get the models to save to its 3d animated format. As soon as tgc has some good file spec on how the animated file is saved I will start to dig into it. (unless a .x animation converter becomes available)

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Posted: 8th Apr 2013 12:09
looking good. since you've moved threads, i'm tagging in this new one so i don't miss your progress.

Chris Tate
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Posted: 8th Apr 2013 15:42
Looks very useful

AGK Developer
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Posted: 13th Apr 2013 16:40 Edited at: 13th Apr 2013 21:47
has anyone ever tried to rotate verts around the x-axis?

With the method im using in my vertex tools I can rotate around y,around z... and it does a funky skew trying to rotate around x.

Is this cause dbp did something funky behind the scenes to get the x axis to rotate 360? Another program I used rotates 180 deg only around x-axis so im wondering if that's the reason?

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Posted: 14th Apr 2013 04:00
Here is the first showcase using some new vertex tools.

I still have half of them to go then I can move on to the animation tools.....then done

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 00:36 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2013 01:27
here are the first video's of the new model prop in action.

I will be adding links to this post as I go....
(playing with limbs)
(vertex edit)

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Posted: 28th Apr 2013 21:59 Edited at: 24th Mar 2014 02:45

since this thread is locked i will post the link to the new one:

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