I like it!
Very nice, simple graphics. I love the way the asteroids break up and have to be chased down after the first crisis.
And it is a bit of a mystery about the other things. But so far, I've only found one that was bad. The others provide good shooting things.
And then this ginormous meteor appears!! Oh My Goodness!!
But I survived it.
I love the plasma gun!
I don't like the deflector thingy.
Then you get lots of space junk (and there is a lot out there).
And ALIENS!?!? This poor ship wasn't meant for Aliens! Especially ones that fire back.
I actually made it all the way!! My final score was 43,590.
That last boss took out the most of my ships before I finally got him.
Good game.
Ancient Lady
AGK Community Tester and AppGameKit Master