@bored: No, it does not compile in Visual Studio 2012. Please read my first post. I need my students to be able to work with DarkGDK using ONLY Visual Studio 2012. Please notice this line on my first post:
"...without installing VS2010..."
When you "configure the platform toolset you want to use e.g. VS 2010", you are actually telling VS2012 to use VS2010, which you already have installed.
Here is the challenge to you. Delete VS2010 completely. Look for "c:/program files/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0". If the folder is still there, then you have not removed Visual Studio 2010. If you have un-installed VS2010, then delete this folder.
Once you have
completely removed VS2010, try to run your DarkGDK project. It fails.
I have tried everything that I can. I even downloaded the DarkGDK open source project and tried to update it for VS2012. I was not able to do so. At this point, unless we find a fix soon, we are going to drop DarkGDK and move to a different library to teach graphics.
Live your dreams.