Greetings One and All !
Finally coming out of a period of development behind closed door, I am ready to share with you my latest game project using AppGameKit Tier 1.
Greetings from Vault Island !
This project was initially put forward for the Ultrabook competition. Not having the time then to do it to the level of finish I wanted, I decided to continue the development way past the original deadline. This means that this game will be released for both the Ultrabook and the Android platforms.
Vault Island is a puzzle game using primarily the touch screen and where possible the other sensors to manipulate various devices and locks based on logic and physics.
Welcome, you are the Agent. Villain is up to no good and has already caused mayhem around the globe. His despotic and twisted organisation has been ruling the headlines for decades and it is your sole mission to put a stop to it.
You are parachuted onto his island and you must make your way through the island and into his lair to stop him and recover the gazillions he has wrongly amassed.
Watch out though, agents before you have failed and we know very little of the whereabouts of Villain and the danger that awaits you.
So without much ado, here are some screenshots:
The game
As your are coming onto the Island, you will make your way through the various locations marked on the map.
The game is meant to be in 4 episodes that will take the player across a range of location starting with the Old PowerHouse, the Lair, The R&D Labs and the Test Site. The Villain's organisation is well established and all these sites and their decor will have a significantly different flavours that will take you though the years.
Episode 1 - The Old Powerhouse
The Old PowerHouse is a kind of steampunk-ish run-down place with all kind of weird technology. Villain has placed various locks and puzzle to protect further access to his lair. It is your job to decipher, decrypt an solve the various mechanisms with whatever comes at hand (including matches, stethoscope, lenses and coloured filters), and recover some of the money and valuables that has been stolen.
The Powerhouse is spread over a few levels each of which with its own difficulty and feel.
Here are some of the preliminary locks:
It is not as easy as it seems....
Let's play with physics and electricity...
..or do you think you have what it takes to pick a lock?
The game is still very much in development. A number of levels have been built and now I am in a position where I can produce levels quicker. I realised shortly after starting the development of the game that I was not making my life very easy since all the levels have very different looks, logic and it has taken more time than anticipated. However, I was not doing this to make a quick-and-dirty scroller -although now I will consider it for next time-...
As soon as possible I will include here a video, and will try to put a playable beta sometimes in the next two months.
The game will feature not only the actual story line, but also a challenge mode that will allow to best yourself against randomised puzzles and improve your skills.