Kinda reminds me of my hacking on the Atari ST - I'd load up a game that I wanted to nab sprites from, soft reset the ST then view the memory as an image, or basically just move the screen pointer. If I found something, I'd adjust it byte by byte to hopefully get the correct palette and alignment and nab the image. It was pretty fun to go delving like that, especially when you hit the jackpot and found a nicely laid out tile set or sprite sheet with the correct palette. I always liked the graphics in Bitmap Bros games, often I'd go delving just so I could see the pixel work up close. Even did this with soundtracker files and wave files - anything I could identify and extract was fair game
I would be tempted to display some of it as text, out of curiosity more than anything - it might be a slight concern if that's live data - I'm guessing it's just messy but free ram. To be sure, maybe fill an array with random bytes repeatedly, then you should see it change if it's live ram. Although, if I could make a type for RGBA, and have an array act as a memblock at the same time, well that might be pretty handy.
I got a fever, and the only prescription, is more memes.