I have learnt that you are a very experienced, skilled and wise programmer, but in my little own I have spent 1 year of my leisure time in 2012, writing and publishing 7 apps (yes, like 7UP drink), doing a lot of experience, so investing time and hoping to find a way to amuse myself and earn some pennies. BTW, I was not the first, but among the firsts to publish something for AGK. Now the situation is:
- the platform, after so much time, is not stable at all from the point of view of compiler bugs
- as in all software projects mentioned in sw engineering books, TGC fixes one issue and two more are added at each developing lifecycle.
- the editor is still very poor, no debugger at all. BTW, the debugger of Dark Basic is one the worst all around, I hope that the AppGameKit one will be better, if it will come...
- promises of language improvements remain...promises.
- APK is still produced in a very cumbersome way.
- bugs with sound system, I have been told that they have been solved after a lot of releases, I had to put a menu at the start of my game to exclude music.
I am very pragmatical and I take my responsibility to say that, as is, no serious developer, that wants to concentrate on the product and not on finding workaround for the bugs, can choose AppGameKit for commercial purpose.
No serious software would use a product that does not maintain retro-compatibility of source code and does not have bug fixed in predictable time
The idea to "open-source" some part of the IDE, in my opinion, is not so good: how long will we have to wait from "open-source developers" to get some addition feature, bug fix or refinement?
If the objective of TGC is to keep the product a library for Tier-2 and that'all, OK, it may be a choice, but the audience will be restricted furtherly, nowadays the number of developers is very low.
The power of AppGameKit is, as I told 1000 times, the Basic language, and all of us started with that. It is perfect to do prototypes and commercial products. If you want to optimize further, you can shift to Tier-2, but that is your choice. If your product acquires some interest in the market, you can think to make it better by creating a Tier-2 version.
So, for what concerns myself, let's see what will happen next.
The success and the survival of the product will depend on how TGC will approach the described issues, that are substantial in order thousands of developers adopt the platform.