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Work in Progress / Dream Editor - DBP/Dark GDK Editor

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Posted: 26th Jun 2013 22:42 Edited at: 19th Jul 2013 23:17
@Everyone - Thanks for the input. I do agree for a professional image "Digital" should be the main focus.

The "Fury" was mainly to be focused on video game products and add that special effect to the lettering or to the logo in some way to emphasize this.

The Dream Editor is just the editor used for games so that could be neutral how it is. I do plan on maybe featuring zombies and maybe a bit of my game "Get Out Alive" in the editor itself that way at least I have somewhat of a tie between the company name to the gaming logo with "fury" being emphasized.

I could leave "Digital" consistent to maintain company image. The fury can be altered or added to the logo to emphasize different video games I make. The "Digital" could just be used by itself for business related logos.

Thanks so much I'll think about this a bit more,



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Posted: 28th Jun 2013 17:54
@ DigitalFury,

How goes development - ?

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...
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Posted: 28th Jun 2013 18:44
@Duffer - Was working on a texture scan + load into a listview and something close to Dark Shaders UI with dragging and dropping textures.

I also have been busy the past few days with a client.

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Posted: 29th Jun 2013 12:14
@ DigitalFury,

Hey, post some screenies.... (keeps the punters interested)

Better yet, some vids - when you've got something animated to show about the editor...

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...
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Posted: 29th Jun 2013 22:38 Edited at: 9th Jul 2013 07:15
@DigitalFury - I will when I can. I'm working on UI right now as most things are keyboard presses. I also need to finish those visual cues so you guys know what is going on instead of explaining it.



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Posted: 8th Jul 2013 08:52 Edited at: 9th Jul 2013 07:15
Working on some pretty epic stuff lately. Frequency format has been compressed to 89% smaller. Working on making sure the stability vs size is worked out to scale down and upwards depending on my needs.

Also working on a new file format that has been really hard to work with. It should make it extremely easy to load entire worlds but the compression is going to be the hard part. I'm trying to compress as much data as possible and keep it extremely small.

I will get back to you guys as I make progress.

Yes!, Got the sample size to 10 pieces of data a second and got the file size down to 1 mb! I compressed it down from 512 * 10 = 5120 pieces of data a second which was a really large file. I do lose the ability of having the entire scope of sound but I gain the speed. File size use to be 60 Mb (6000% bigger) which was way to big. The file is 2750% smaller then a high quality mp3 at the highest bit rate.

Yes!, Tested and the file takes almost a 100th of a second to load!! I could cache upto 100 songs at a time with no problem. (As memory serves its function)

Sorry not much to show, i've been working with just data all this time.



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Posted: 9th Jul 2013 07:16 Edited at: 9th Jul 2013 07:22
I figured I would sneak a few screenshots in there to show some of the UI.

The UI auto loads everything in the folders it scans for at startup. I might cache it later and work on making an automatic screenshot utility for objects.

I am also working on a current object viewer. You can change the shader and manipulate the current object and get a nice zoomed in view in a mini-view on the screen.



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Posted: 9th Jul 2013 18:37
I have been watching this with interest,look cool .


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Posted: 10th Jul 2013 23:15 Edited at: 10th Jul 2013 23:17
Next part of the UI is to add some extended primitives and the "user objects" panel.

After that I'm going to work on the object slicing, hollow object, CSG commands with punch objects for punching out windows, holes, and doors with ease.

I might also experiment with CSG commands for slicing up walls into debris.

Next I'll move back to the AI and finishing up the UI for it so I can show off progress with it.

After all that that I move onto getting full screen shader system fully working. I will add a UI panel that contains the camera effects being added to each camera. A deferred shader will need to be created to combine these effects in an expected manner. The ability to tint, add bloom, setup light scattering, and various other effects would be cool. I also want to try and work on creating a up to 12 lights an object and a system for positioning lights the environment.

There is still a lot to be done. I will show off progress as I have some. A lot of code is non visual but support various features.

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Posted: 15th Jul 2013 09:30
As the project grew and grew the project became harder and harder to manage.

I am working on re-building the editor in a new project and at the same time improving the lower level.

I had a few features I haven't added yet which will really make this editor efficient.

One of the features was crash protection which was needed in order to prevent a project from not being saved. I also will have backup protection so that your project even if it does crash you will have an auto-loaded backup to recover.

I also wanted to make the automatic systems more efficient. For now I have a very basic event handling code and I want to write that in C++ to make it run faster. Event handling will really clean up my code. The input, UI, and editor based events are just piling up.

There is a small feature but very useful I wanted to add and that is the redundancy management. If an object is already loaded then it won't be reloaded. It will find that object and as long as it isn't modified (no texture changes or anything) then it will be cloned or instanced. I might cache the original objects you loaded so you can have many variations of the same object. There also is a small plugin that allows you to copy an object but it is for view only purposes. The object is just drawn twice in two different locations. It doesn't actually exist. That might be good for visuals only.

The other feature that I should have had in the beginning is the user account and registration for alpha testers. As soon as I get that added I will give demos so I can get some help with testing and improvement of the editor. Anyone can register to be an alpha tester as long as I approve them.

There were a few bugs I had to fix a while back and as the editor grew so massive those bugs became very hard to fix. I am going to reintegrate the code and add in a few more variables to indicate what is going on in the environment.

I also had a few more gadget ideas I wanted to put together for very quickly being able to create new objects and align them and stack them perfectly. X/Y/Z stacking gadget would be extremely useful for positioning objects underneath, above, side to side, or front and back quickly.

I also need to add the programming behind my one gadget I made and create different modes such as position, rotate, and size and make it easy to switch with the 0-9 keys (mode changer keys).

I also want to improve the locking abilities. Locking sections of a level so they never can be affected by lets say another physics object is very important. After editing an object I think I should auto lock objects unless they are flagged to be unlocked.

I will have more ideas and possibly a demo soon once I get something solid together.

Thanks for following the project guys,

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Posted: 16th Jul 2013 03:15 Edited at: 16th Jul 2013 22:45
5 Hours Yesterday. 1 Hours Today. I'll let you guys know if it corrupts again. It is so annoying sometimes. (Plugin Kit)

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Posted: 17th Jul 2013 02:59 Edited at: 17th Jul 2013 03:04
Finally fixed some issues with the plugin dev kit and now i'm working on an input plugin. The first version will depend on DBP commands and the second version will be completely independent to increase speeds. I also will build in multi-threading capabilities for handling multiple input devices at once.

I might add support for other input devices other then the keyboard and the mouse. Maybe controller support.

Also, another small reveal....Everything will be OOP and event driven!

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Posted: 17th Jul 2013 04:08

I finished a new plugin: Input
- Only call one command: "Input Scan"
- Event driven (Will call functions based on key pressed/released/down)
- Works with multiple key's being pressed
- Works with multiple mouse presses. Can do combinations of mouse presses to single mouse presses.

Next Version:
- Can read from event stack (All the events that occured)
- Clear out the event stack (maybe automatically after reading)
- Multi-Threaded

Dream Features:
- Independent from DBP to keep it running fast!

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Posted: 18th Jul 2013 04:18 Edited at: 18th Jul 2013 04:19
Today I'm working on wrapping up Dream Editor functions in a plugin and packing it with new commands to make it easy for anyone to make games.

- Third Person Camera (Done)
- First Person Camera (Needs work. Is based on a new concept not the hand to full model concept)
- RTS Camera (Fully Working)
- Pick Object, Single Object, Object In Group
- Procedural Terrain Image Generation (WIP) Plugin
- GUI Plugin (Based on my image processing library will explain later)
- Distance Commands (Refined)
- "Easy" Wrappers: Making the language easier to use and OOP based. I am wrapping a lot of existing plugins such as physics plugins to make one command deployment of certain features like character controllers.

What I'm working on now:
- Finished the Input Plugin (V1): Event Driven Multi-Keyed Input System
- Working on the Shader Plugin System: Making each shader easy to use directly in DBP. I also will setup deferred rendering or multi-camera rendering. This means multiple full screen shaders.
- Working on cleaning up Dream Editor code and really slimming up the editor to make it easy for me to add additions.
- Finished Nvidia Ocean Shader Plugin!

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Posted: 18th Jul 2013 09:38 Edited at: 18th Jul 2013 09:38
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Input Plugin - V1

- "Input Setup" - Will setup the Input System
- "Input Scan" - Put in a loop or a new thread and it will check for an input pressed, released, and down and execute the events as they happen.

This is the Help file for how events are called:
Quote: "
` Input Functions `
` Function FunctionTag_KeyName (Uppercase) or Function FunctionTag_MouseButtonName
` Key Tags: "KeyPressed_", "KeyReleased_", "KeyDown_"
` Any/No Key Tags: "AnyKey", "AnyKey_Down", "AnyKey_Pressed", "AnyKey_Released", "NoKey", "NoKey_Down", "NoKey_Pressed", "NoKey_Released"
` Mouse Tags: "MousePressed_", "MouseReleased_", "MouseDown_"
` Mouse Buttons: "Left", "Right", "Middle"
` Ex: Function KeyPressed_K() or Function MousePressed_Left() or Function AnyKey_Pressed()"

- Events are called when the key is pressed, released, or down.
- Events are called no matter how many keys are pressed at once. If 10 keys are pressed then 10 key events are called.
- Events for the mouse are called when the mouse button is pressed, released, or down.
- Events are called no matter how many mouse buttons are being pressed. If you press two mouse buttons then two mouse events are called they are not combined.
- This plugin can be multi-threaded using my mutli-threading plugin as it is an enclosed system.

Future Updates:
- I would like the ability of combining key's so you can check for Ctrl, Alt, Space, Return, and other combinations like D Key + F key or something.
- I want the system to include multi-threading within the plugin standard.
- I would like the ability to make it completely DBP independent so that I don't call any DBP commands but use window's input.
- I would like to use DirectX input classes in order to expand into controllers input so the plugin is completely independent and all inclusive.

Read the other posts for more updates!

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Posted: 18th Jul 2013 09:40
@ DigitalFury,

All sounds brilliant.

Have you got terrain painting and modification (in game) functionality and terrain streaming?

What have you looks at / accomplished re the environment, weather, sky, day/night, sun/moon/stars, water/rivers/sea/coast (seen about the nvidia ocean shader plugin)?

With Pick Object have you also done Pick Limb?

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...
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Posted: 18th Jul 2013 09:48 Edited at: 19th Jul 2013 23:24
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Nvidia Ocean Shader Plugin



More to come!



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Posted: 18th Jul 2013 09:55
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Various Wrapped Functions


More to Come!

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Posted: 18th Jul 2013 09:57
@Duffer - I have gotten painting working in a demo I goto wrap it within a plugin.

The weather effects i'm getting to with shader effect plugins i'm putting together. The sky shader is something I have on my list to wrap. (Has full sky system with post process shaders). I have to teach myself how it works first! XD

Pick Limb was already done with another plugin.

Posting more progress!

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Posted: 18th Jul 2013 10:05 Edited at: 18th Jul 2013 10:08
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Game Performance

What this plugin does:
- This plugin will make it easy to prioritize tasks and get them run at a rate.
- This will run the loops at a certain executions per second and it is really precise. If the task isn't running it won't using any processing power.


Future Updates:
- I want to create tasks that will run for a certain time then the event will be deleted.
- I also want tasks that can run x amount of times and delete upon completion. (Like a for loop but easier)


Task Commands: This is an expansion of the task class within the performance plugin but these tasks are multi-threaded. They still have the performance driven code as the performance plugin!

Multi-Threaded Query Commands: These commands make it easy to have a full game running and query loading a "hidden" section of the world and execute the query to load in all the objects when needed on another thread. You also can utilize this during a loading screen or an in game menu loading the game in the background.

- The DBP commands are not truly multi-thread safe. I might control as much as I can using mutexes in the future or wrap up Dark GDK commands which are "multi-threading" safe.

More to come!

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Posted: 18th Jul 2013 10:18
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Time Plugin

Purpose of Plugin:
- You can create timers that are very accurate very easily. It is very easy to setup the game time.
- You can create events (new concept is task) which you can set a delay after so many seconds it would execute. This is useful for shooting bullets every 0.1 seconds or something.
- You can convert 24 hours into 10 minutes using the "Time Set Factor" command so you can easily have day night cycles within 10 minutes and have accurate day/night times. (Just sped up in the game by a factor)

- Fix the Names from Event to Task. This is a timed task that will execute after so much time. I also want to combine this with the performance plugin so I can set delays on tasks and start times of tasks even!
- I would like the commands to match with pause, resume, and stop tasks (events).

More to come!

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Posted: 18th Jul 2013 10:24 Edited at: 18th Jul 2013 10:27
Dream Editor: Game Template

Fresh off the presses!

What is Game Template you ask?
Game Template is every thing you need in order to finish your games easily and effectively. It compliments the editor by providing you with fresh and easy to use commands.

What makes up the Game Template?
- Plugins: With fresh new commands and even ways of loading the editors files directly into DBP to use + Commands to Access the Data.
- Tutorials: To teach you everything you need to know to make the game from start to finish.
- Tools and Utilities: Simple small programs to generate something or aid you in a small simple task or batch processing files.



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Posted: 18th Jul 2013 10:36 Edited at: 19th Jul 2013 23:24
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Dynamic Resources Plugin

What is the Dynamic Resources Plugin?:
- It is used to quickly grab an index that is free
- It comes with it's own garbage collector (Can use multi-threading plugin to run on another thread)
- It self recycles deleted indexes as long as you use the DR Delete commands.
- It has shortcut commands that are OOP based so you can return an index automatically.
- If you don't want to keep track of pesky indexes then give the resource a name and you can easily lookup the index by using the name.
- It comes in two flavors: Regular and LUA. The LUA has all the name resource commands and is completely self enclosed. It does need a "Main.Lua" file in order to function properly. You can include that within your projects.

Next Resource:
The next resource commands will return the next free index.

Delete Resource:
The delete resource commands will recycle an index that you are no longer using anymore and delete the object. If the object has a name please use the delete commands with a LUA tag instead of a DR tag.

LUA Delete Resource:
The delete resource commands will delete the resource and recycles the index.

Update Indexes:
This command will search though each resource and add any commands that were deleted without using my delete commands.

Free Resource
Free resource commands will search though indexes starting at 1 and counting up until it finds a free index.

Get Resource Index:
The get resource index commands will return the index it is currently at. It isn't a resource count.

Open/Close Main Script
The open/close main script commands are used to open the main.lua file that is provided. This will allow you to use the commands tagged LUA.

Name Resource:
The name resource commands will assign a name to a resources index. This way you can easily get an index from a name.

Get Resource Index From Name:
You give a name and it will get the resources index for that name.

Lua Free Resource:
The lua free resource command is just like the free resource command except you can set the object name of the item free that is found.

Set Start Index:
This command is how you can set the start index of the Free Resource commands.

Lua Next Resource:
These commands are just like the Next Resource commands but it also sets the name of the object.

Shortcut Commands:
These commands are shortcuts to the original DBP commands. The LUA tagged commands you can set the name of the resource you loaded or created. DR tagged are just normal load/create command. The commands assign an index to the object loaded/created and returns it as an integer. Uses the new Next Free Resource commands!

Item Resource Commands:
I created an item type so you can use your own resource items and keep track of their indexes. This will only work for one item type.

Next Free Resource:
This command will find the next available resource. It is a combination between the next resource and free resource commands.

LUA Next Free Resource:
This command will find the next available resource. It is a combination between the next resource and free resource commands. This version will set the name of the resource as well.

More to Come!



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Posted: 18th Jul 2013 10:42 Edited at: 19th Jul 2013 23:19
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File Plugin

What this plugin can do:
- Search in a folder and all the sub folders for files and folders and store the files and folders in arrays for lookup.
- You can get file information and folder information using these commands.
- There are path parsing commands to get the file extension, type, folder (at a certain level), file name and much more.
- You can open to read or write to a file just like DBP but I use C++ commands which is way faster.


Future Updates:
- Be able to detect the file's type: Image, Object, Effect, ect
- Ways of reading a whole file into a string or array quickly.
- Being able to cache a file quickly into the plugin itself and read from the cache.
- Parsers to make it easier to read complicated files
- The ability to encrypt entire files

That's it for now. Will post more as I make more progress.



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Posted: 18th Jul 2013 22:04 Edited at: 19th Jul 2013 23:20
Daily Update


I created a bunch more shader commands. These are easy to use commands to apply a shader to any object quickly. Normally no setup and full control over variables within the editor. (later)


Future Updates:
- I want to get more type of reflective windows
- I also want to try and get evolves shaders working because he created a very good Reflection and Refraction shader.
- I want to include Dark Shaders reflection/cube map commands for easy use. I might want to look into an alternative. Will research into evolves shaders for this.

On a roll!



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Posted: 18th Jul 2013 23:05
Wow, you've done a lot lately. Keep up the hard work.

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Sergey K
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Posted: 18th Jul 2013 23:52
screenies screenies!

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Posted: 19th Jul 2013 08:31 Edited at: 19th Jul 2013 23:16
@seppgirty - I tend to go a bit crazy with what I get done when I get on a roll with programming :p

@Sergey K - Of what? Source code :p These are non visual plugins. I would have to make demos first :p



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Sergey K
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Posted: 19th Jul 2013 10:11
Quote: "Of what? Source code :p These are non visual plugins. I would have to make demos first :p"

ahh i see..

well im looking forward to the demos then

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Posted: 19th Jul 2013 23:15 Edited at: 20th Jul 2013 00:06
Edit: This is not the current "new" editor. Old work.

I thought it would be a good idea to look in the past of editors and features I created to see what I could possibly add to the new editor. I originally created the editor for my own project and it was something simple but I decided to expand on it.

Here is a few videos of something I made in my old editor:

Old Editor Videos: Keep in mind these are very small simple demos. I didn't show off much in them.

Pictures of editor + Levels created in editor:

Here is a picture of some basic fog I created using spark particles:



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Posted: 20th Jul 2013 20:37
Looks really good DF. Shows a lot of promise.

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Posted: 21st Jul 2013 02:01
Yes it does.

Will be gone to the fair for sunday so will resume full force monday.

My next steps are to wrap up Dark Shader's Shaders, FPS Creator + X10 Shaders, Evolves Shaders, and the forums archived shaders.

After all those shaders are wrapped I need to test every single one and test them all in the editor.

I managed to recently slim down a lot of the Editors code so I will work on finishing that after I finish the shaders.

The next steps after that is to start setting up a lot of the low level parts of the development tree as a lot of the complicated stuff rely's on it.

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Posted: 21st Jul 2013 18:00
Have fun at the fair. Rest that brain today because i want you working double time on monday.

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2013 12:01 Edited at: 7th Aug 2013 22:41
Haha, plans changed but did a lot more then fair instead. XD Was up until 4am

Sleep time then i'm going to finish up plowing through those shaders.

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Posted: 24th Jul 2013 06:02 Edited at: 24th Jul 2013 06:02
Sorry guys forgot to post something over the past few days.

My Asus TF201 is bricked so i've been busy with that.

Other then that I've been slimming up the code to make it easier for me to work on the editor. I am wrapping up my GUI events plugin which will allow me to easily assign and event/task to a GUI element.

I've been starting a GUI plugin which will use Advanced Sprites, DBP Sprites, and other GUI Render Possibilities (To be determined because I want an independent solution).

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Posted: 24th Jul 2013 22:29 Edited at: 25th Jul 2013 22:33
I pushed aside some priorities to get right to the Event Processing plugins I need for the editor.

An example of event processing in the editor would be triggered events based on buttons pressed. Another example of event processing would be in the game something happening and triggering an event. That will be incorporated heavily including DBP Function calls or LUA Function Calls.

It will make the language more event driven and OOP based. I might write something for event tracking as it could get quite difficult to follow events.

Here are a few GUI events I finished:

Newest Edit: Fixed all bugs fully working.

Edit: Finished! Moving on to wrapping up Dream Editor main functions then working on shaders next.

I will move back to shaders and revisit event processing after some more shaders are done.

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Posted: 25th Jul 2013 08:33 Edited at: 26th Jul 2013 04:22
!Plugin Completed!

Dark Input - Version 2.0

Edit: Managed to complete Version 2.0! Stayed up late in order to finish the mouse input. It no longer rely's on any DBP commands!

This plugin is 100% independent from DBP's commands.

The plugin will get every single key that is being pressed/released/down and call the respected function names.

It uses windows input so it doesn't rely on DBP commands This plugin is compatible with my multi-threading plugin. It is recommended to put the Input Scan on a new thread in case the main loop is to slow in order to scan. (A.K.A you have a billion for loops)

- ScanCode + Input States for Keyboard and Mouse
- Event Based: Will call event based on Input Pressed, Released, or Down
- Supports Keyboard Input
- Supports 8 Mouse Buttons!


I am researching currently into DirectX Input for XBox Controller support. I also want to add wii and ps3 controller support.

I was also looking into possible changes. I would like to make as much as possible independent so I thought I would add MouseX, MouseY, MouseMoveX, MouseMoveY, MouseMoveZ commands. I might also add windows commands like windows position, size, ect.

Also, I need to remove the dependency on MatrixUtil and it is completely independent.

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Posted: 26th Jul 2013 05:00 Edited at: 26th Jul 2013 21:04
Daily Update

I managed to finish and test GUI event's. Every toolbar or menu button pressed is logged with an event and triggered on click.

I also managed to update my general commands plugin.

Commands I Recently Finished:

I will work on the Dream Editor + Game Template more today.

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Posted: 26th Jul 2013 08:20 Edited at: 18th Oct 2013 06:49
Thought it might be fun to share a few things with ya guys.

My Linked-In:

I started a company with a friend in June called CaveTech Web Solutions:

I do professional work for clients now and so far all clients have been very satisfied with the work I did for them.

If you are interested I do professional work and it is very reasonable compared to other companies.

For personal stuff:
- I have a very large video game collection 3k games.
- I have a large movie collection 250+
- I listen to a lot of techno, hardstyle, dubstep and prob around 10k in music
- I filled up 4 Terra-bytes of information in under 5 years and average about 750 gb - 1 Terra-byte a year.
- I've been programming since I was 15-16 years old but started game maker when I was 12 years old.
- Engaged as of very recent
- Only 1 year left of college (because of a minor in entrepreneurship)

I'm sure they started something like this on the geek culture thread somewhere. What do u guys think getting to know people on the forums? Might be cool.

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Posted: 26th Jul 2013 21:01 Edited at: 26th Jul 2013 21:04
Plugin Wrapper Finished!


I wanted to expand the math commands so I did.


Now on to making a parsing plugin for strings!

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Posted: 26th Jul 2013 22:29 Edited at: 27th Jul 2013 03:42
Daily Update

There is a ton of stuff I want to get done today. For now here is the progress.

- I finished the Math command set above.
- I finished a lot of string commands
- I finished some string parsing commands based on tokens
- I finished some file path parsing commands
- I started on some general useful commands

String Commands:

Parse Path String Commands:

General Commands:

Parse Commands:

Feel free to make suggestions of commands I can add to these libraries.

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Posted: 27th Jul 2013 06:57
Hey guys, i'm out of ideas for commands to add on to my plugins.

I love the challenge and input from the community of things I can add on that would be useful to you!

I'm writing everything in C++ so if it is within the realm of possibility I will do it.

Feed me your request, command suggestions, features, or what you would like me to add as far as plugins/commands go!

It would really help me out.


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Posted: 29th Jul 2013 00:32 Edited at: 29th Jul 2013 01:37
Daily Updates

I finished a ton of stuff today and yesterday. There is a lot of code that makes up this editor. I was well over 15,000 lines so i'm converting it all into plugin form to make it easier on me for developing it. I also am wrapping up a lot of the editors commands like extended primitives in plugins to make things easy.

Ideas so far

Sergey K had an idea for incorporating his advanced updater with my integrated store i will be working on soon in order to make it easy to distribute free plugins and content.

Later the store will allow people to sell their content with 3 layers of security from sale to ownership. There also will be a trial version of plugins, objects or object packs, sounds, music, textures and more.

There is something new and exciting coming out which will link the users directly to content, plugins, and resources that the user can immediately use within the editor, DBP language, and LUA Language.

Shoot me some ideas for commands guys and I will work on releasing demos, plugins to test, and various other things I need help with debugging.

3d point in space
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Posted: 5th Aug 2013 18:45 Edited at: 5th Aug 2013 18:58
Nice Dig I like your 3d interface I also made improvements to my engine. Have you figured out mfc pop up menus, also if you need layers and undo functions I have that all figured out. I just did a bvh import but have not done much with it in my editor waiting for agk 2.

Developer of Space Chips, pianobasic, zipzapzoom, and vet pinball apps. Developed the tiled map engine seen on the showcase. Veteran for the military.
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Posted: 6th Aug 2013 07:56 Edited at: 7th Aug 2013 07:16
@3d point in space - Wow, that is amazing. Would be able to help me figure out BVH and a few other UI stuff for my GUI plugin? I'd really appreciate it. I've been working on a lot of back end stuff lately. You can shoot me an email at: and I might even be able to help you out with a few things.

@Everyone - Sorry guys, i've been a bit busy with a few other things i'm working on:

I'm working on a clients website: Website WIP!

I make websites for cheap and write everything 100% by scratch. I don't use templates or themes. I write every line of code myself!

Edit: Managed to finish a majority of the website!

Working on visualization technology:

Working on a new android based technology which I can't disclose. I'll give you a hint though. Think iron man holographics and real time information overlays but in the real world sense.

Edit: I discussed with a business partner while in a meeting about a new product idea I have been working on. My friend is helping me market and release a new product for the trial phase with a few companies. After this trial phase and the reviews pour in I will fully release the product on my new website (WIP) and google play store. Can't release anything until official release for the product considering I have investors.

What I have been working on in the editor:
I was converting a lot of code to Dark GDK 2.0 and making plugins. Dark GDK will allow me to multi-thread a lot of the editor making it run very fast. I am going to look into how to use multi-threading to speed up your guys completed games. If you guys choose to use Dark GDK it would allow for mutli-threading. I was going to write a debugging plugin for testing speeds of different techniques. I also was thinking about writing a parser that would convert DBP code into Dark GDK code so everyone can still program in the basic language they love. The IDE is in it's very beginning stages but something I will include later on in the project.



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Posted: 7th Aug 2013 22:09 Edited at: 7th Aug 2013 22:40
This took me three weeks to program all these functions for my editor and engine. It has been a lot of programming. There is a total of 107 new commands done.

Here are the commands for my editor/engine:

Soooooo much work. lol

Future Updates:
- Update the Input Plugin to replace MouseMoveX, MouseMoveY, MouseMoveZ, MouseX, MouseY
- Separate out commands into separate plugins like DE String, DE Input, DE Math, DE Tokenizer, and more.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2013 20:28
Sorry guys i've been a bit busy. School just started up and I've been transitioning into a new job. I will start up the work again as it is being used for my independent study. I will be really focusing on the language itself and just borrowing the rendering from DBP.

Everything will be written in C++ and I'll port it all to DBP. You have an option to use C++ or DBP.

Will get back to u guys.
Voytek Pavlik
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Posted: 16th Oct 2013 20:41
Amazing stuff.

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Posted: 18th Oct 2013 06:45 Edited at: 18th Oct 2013 06:48
Again more progress. It has been an interesting project. A lot of work. I created some new classes.

Dynamic Resources (Find next index and recycle deleting indexes) class is now embedded into the Object, Camera, Ect classes.

Everything I'm designing is OOP which means you can create a camera by creating a new object of the Camera class. Makes it very easy to expand the functionality.

All the commands have been optimized as well. Once I fully finish the game performance optimization port (Game Performance Plugin I made) to C++ I will be able to cap certain commands to only update so often. This should drastically speed up the commands such as sync, update mouse position, and many others. There also is event based optimization such as only update the window position if the window was moved or only update the mouse position if mouse was moved.

I also am making multi-threading native to every class. You can easily create an object on another thread or load it on another thread. There are no restrictions to having any task or method from the Object class being run on another thread.

Classes are easy to work with as I designed them very well. You can create a Camera object and easily switch between any view in real-time. RTS Camera, FPS Camera, Third Person Camera, and much more. You can also manipulate the properties of each camera type.

I also created classes to help with the programming core commands. I created a class called SuperString that can be used for quickly parsing and editing strings easily.

More to come.

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Posted: 18th Oct 2013 10:22
@ DigitalFury,

It all sounds fantastic, but have to confess I am still trying to get my head around this conceptually - what is it?

Is it a series of new commands for DBPro - plugin commands which were created by c++ or whatever and inserted into DBPro as a new .ini in Keywords and new .dll in plugins-users and new help commands?

Or is it more? What more? Some utilities or applications?

Also, can you expand on what you say about objects and oop?

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...

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