there are
999999 tickets with number of 6 digits. 3/4 of them can be solved like this:
goal is placement of math symbols so that the result was 100.
Quote: "it is a great way to develop a good memory and fast counting, intuition and tenacity."
quote from here (ru)
if the ticket is not solvable, then the specified destination is 'to nowhere'. you can set up destination for your tickets
here, if it has not already done someone else.
data base of destinations can be updated by a one click.
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I tested it on 8 computers, it runs on 4 of them. please, run it somewhere and give me any feedback.
known issues (20130610):
• there are some calculations at first run (when ini file has '2nonzero_cut_done = 0') which takes about minute
• update function asks 'localhost' instead ''
• stupid content of some strings