Quote: "As has been already stated, drawing one large object will be faster than drawing lots of small objects as AppGameKit has to setup each world matrix and then make multiple calls to OpenGL to draw, whereas a single large object has one world matrix and one draw call."
So far does it seam like using multiple objects and a custom culling system seams to be as fast as a large object.
It where a bit disapointing after all the work put in to Writing a system to make mesh object with texture uvs and all
But then again so when its implemented in to agk to not proces stuff outside camera range so would this be even faster.
Currently so is the gain on mobiles 3-4 fps.
But the best part so far seams to be that the framerate is more steady and seams to play alot smoother.
But then again so do i love that agk pushed me in to Learning to code wavefront objects
I will give an update to more correct framerates when i have checked that Everything is bug free as i simply can have missed some things that makes it using large object not as optimal as it should ?
One cool feature would be to use this for 2d games where all tiles is rendered using a single large object file now when i know how to do it
The hard part where to convert and mirror my map Array correctly to get the object file i wanted
Maybe i should add something to the codebase later wher this is used for a tile map?
But the dungeon generation system is a bit to large and complicated and specific to share i belive.
Simply stated so is it the future of my Projects to generate objects i belive?
Is there any dates to when correct offscreen and culling will be added?
And i wanted it explained more closely by people that know how this works then guessing
And in wath state the 3d part of agk is when it comes to performance
And as i have stated many times Before so are i not an programmer but an happy hobbyist that do this for fun
I hack away code until something works and not Always understanding how i made it work
Android 2.3 , ZTE Skate , 480x800 , 800 mhz , Samsung Galaxy Y , 240x320 , 832 mhz , Sony ericson arc 480x854 , 1 ghz
Android 4.0 , Dmtech 3g 9738B , 1024x768 , 9.7 inches , 1.2 ghz