//Tis code works but's in accurate.. not sure why.. pre-warning you are about to see some bad math
Plase asume these facts to always be true, the variable "backdrop" is just an image of a map loaded and resized to a small map at the corner of the screen.
And find that the variable "Player" is also an image loaded into memory;
Finally that the variable "MiniMapDot" is a tiny 8x8 image of a blue square(Much smaller that the image of the map previously loaded).
//Show player on mini map
PoSX = GetVirtualWidth()-Sqrt(GetSpriteWidth(backdrop))
PoSY = GetVirtualHeight()-GetVirtualHeight()+Sqrt(GetSpriteHeight(backdrop))
//Position player dot
//It's just a really small sprite(Tiny cube) that mimics the position of a larger sprite's down-scaled x and y axis.
I need assistance in make this code more accurate .. or just an explanation of what i should be aiming for.