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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Export model WITH texture ??

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Joined: 5th Jun 2013
Posted: 10th Jun 2013 00:13

I`m totally new at this to create models for FPS Creator, totally newbie

I have som models in Google Sketchup, and also some models in OBJ and 3DS format. I would like to get these into the DirectX-file format WITH textures... it seems impossible.
I have no problem converting the models to .x-files, but how do I get the texture? It does not come along when exporting to x-file format.

When I have converted the model to .x-file I use EntityWorkshop, the models loads fine but no texture. You can add texture in EntityWorkshop if you got any texture file - but I have no texturefiles?

I use AC3D for converting files. Do have have to export the textures seperatly?
Disturbing 13
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Location: Murder Capital of the World
Posted: 10th Jun 2013 15:26
Textures are always a separate part of the model itself. You need to have the textures beforehand, but with Google sketchup you will have quite a bit of difficulty getting the models into FPSC as they use multiple textures. This means the only option you will have is to have objects that are dynamic instead of static. Dynamic objects take up much more memory and slow the game down; not to mention will NOT have good collision for such things as buildings.

Model pack 66-99 high quality!!
"Who loves ya baby!"

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