This is just a concept, I don't think it's very practical in this form because it's probably slow and memory is limited, but I think there is potential for adding functionality to DBC using this kind of bit manipulation.
p0 = assignVert(100,120)
print "P0x = "; Px(p0)
print "P0y = "; Py(p0)
p1 = assignVert(4,6)
print "P1x = "; Px(p1)
print "P1y = "; Py(p1)
p2 = multiplyVerts(p0,p1)
print "P2 = P0 * P1"
print "P2x = "; Px(p2)
print "P2y = "; Py(p2)
function Px(p)
endfunction p&65535
function Py(p)
y = (p&4294901761) / 65536
endfunction y
function assignVert(x,y)
v = x + y*65536
endfunction v
function multiplyVerts(p0,p1)
p = (p0&65535) * (p1&65535) + (p0&4294901761) * (p1&4294901761) / 65536
endfunction p
The difficulty in learning is not acquiring new knowledge but relinquishing the old.