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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / [Dark Dynamix] An enquiry into the usage of bones in convex meshes

Chris Tate
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Posted: 12th Jun 2013 18:52
Greetings Matty, I've been having a great deal of fun messing around and tweaking my program which makes frequent use of your PhysX plugin.

One question that I did not quite spot the answer for in the documentation, is the inclusion of the bone ID parameter and convex Mesh ID parameter in the interesting function overload DYN COOK CONVEX MESH (int objectID, int boneID, int meshID, int convexMeshID)

Assuming that the object is the referred, the mesh ID is the target, how do the other two parameters affect what is occurring.

What does the system actually do with the bone limb in the referred object?

Matty H
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Posted: 13th Jun 2013 01:18
If I remember correctly, if the model uses bone animation you will often find it only has one mesh, usually indexed 0(perhaps 1). So you would use 0 for the meshID. The boneID then targets the bone you require, dynamix then creates a convex mesh from just the vertices of the mesh required to represent that bone only.

You would probably need to look in an external modelling program to see what bones represent what part of the mesh, the bone indexes should be the same for dynamix.

The convexMeshID parameter is a number you give to represent the physics mesh, you can then create many actors(or actor shapes) using this convex mesh.

I think that is all correct

Chris Tate
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Posted: 13th Jun 2013 11:15
Thanks, much appreciated

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