sprite i'm using are just 1 64x64px image
i have search on this forum for an answer and it seem the engine could not generate sprite fast enough.
all i need it to do is handle 100k sprite, and it could not even do that, lol.
no way i could have it create the intended 184Millions sprite.
also, is there a way to get memblocks to read from an images?
from what i have tried, it seem not possible, and why would i use an image with a single color?
i use render() to prevent a full sync() call instead.
try this code yourself, see how slow it generate sprite?
if the engine could not handle this, no way it can handle 3d, lol.
setvirtualresolution(1280, 720)
time = GetMilliseconds()
totaltime = GetMilliseconds()
countSprite = 1
loadimage(1, "something.png") : rem use your own 64x64 images, prefer if it is not 100% empty
for x = 1 to 100
for y = 1 to 64
for z = 1 to 64
createsprite(countSprite, 1)
setspritesize(countSprite, 64, 64)
setspriteposition(countSprite, 64*z , 64*y+(x*64)-512)
countSprite = countSprite +1
countrender = countrender +1
if (countrender = 1000)
print("total Sprite Current: "+str(countSprite))
time = GetMilliseconds() - time : print(time)
countrender = 0 : sync()
next z
next y
next x
totaltime = GetMilliseconds() - totaltime
print("total Sprite Current: "+str(countSprite))