Nice code you have there alluminumPork.
Only one problem I had. Whenever a player scored, it would only flash their score, so you weren't able to see it.
Luckily, I've fixed it.
-added sync rate 60
-added 2 print commands to display player_score(1) and player_score(2)
-added a little bar at the top to(hopefully) make the interface look nicer.
IF ball_y < 0 then bally_dir = 1
IF ball_y < 15 then bally_dir = 1
-Version edited by yellow on 7th line
REM /===============Very simple Pong game=================
REM |-------------Written by Forrest Vodden---------------|
REM |-----------------------------------------------------|
REM |-Note: The speed of the ball will not change in this-|
REM |---------------------example-------------------------|
REM =====================================================/
`Version edited by Yellow
REM /-----------/Controls-------------
REM |----Player 1----------------------|
REM |-------=Up - "W"=-----------------|
REM |-----=Down - "S"=-----------------|
REM |----------------------------------|
REM |----Player 2----------------------|
REM |-------=Up - Up Key=--------------|
REM |-----=Down - Down Key=------------|
REM |----------------------------------|
REM -----------Controls/-------------/
Rem Sets the screen refresh rate. Also keeps things moving at a more consistant rate.
sync on : sync rate 60
backdrop on : color backdrop rgb(0,0,0)
`Adds a plain for the scoreboard
make object plain 452,1000,10 : position object 452,0,118,200:lock object on 452
REM -=-=-=-Draw a box (paddle) to the screen
BOX 1,1,10,50
REM -=-=-=-Grab the box and place it into an image slot
GET image 1, 1,1,10,50
REM -=-=-=-Clear the screen
REM -=-=-=-Draw a circle (ball) to the screen
CIRCLE 5,5,5
REM -=-=-=-Grab the circle and place it into an image slot
GET image 2, 0,0,15,15
REM -=-=-=-Clear the screen once again
REM -=-=-=-We are now done creating our player objects, now we must
REM -=-=-=-set up the variables needed for the player and the ball.
REM -=-=-=-Setup the array for player 1 x and player 1 y
REM -=-=-=-(the position of their paddles)
DIM player_x(2)
DIM player_y(2)
player_x(1) = 30
player_x(2) = 600
player_y(1) = 240
player_y(2) = 240
REM -=-=-=-Setup the array for player 1 score and player 2 score
REM -=-=-=-(the amount of points for each player)
DIM player_score(2)
REM -=-=-=-Set the Ball X and Ball Y to be in the middle of the screen
ball_x = 320
ball_y = 240
REM -=-=-=-Set the speed of the ball to 2. Every the DO-LOOP loops the
REM -=-=-=-ball will move in whatever direction in increments of 2 pixels.
ball_speed = 3
REM -=-=-=-Set the direction variables
ballx_dir = 0
bally_dir = 0
REM -=-=-=-Get a random number between 1 and 0 for each of the axis
random_direction_x = RND(1)
random_direction_y = RND(1)
ballx_dir = random_direction_x
bally_dir = random_direction_y
REM -=-=-=-Set text to opaque so text erases itself when written over
REM -=-=-=-Print the words Player One score in the left, top corner
REM -=-=-=-and print the words Player Two score in the right, top corner
TEXT 1,1, "Player One Score: "
TEXT 500,1, "Player Two Score: "
REM -=-=-=-Start the game (DO-LOOP)
REM -=-=-=-Player Control
REM -=-=-=-Keystate code (17) is the letter W
REM -=-=-=-Keystate code (31) is the letter S
IF keystate(17) = 1 then player_y(1) = player_y(1) - 10
IF keystate(31) = 1 then player_y(1) = player_y(1) + 10
IF upkey() = 1 then player_y(2) = player_y(2) - 10
IF downkey() = 1 then player_y(2) = player_y(2) + 10
REM -=-=-=-Check for directions, and move the ball in that direction.
REM -=-=-=-A 0 on the X-Axis means move the ball left by ball_speed (2)
REM -=-=-=-A 1 on the X-Axis means move the ball right by ball_speed (2)
REM -=-=-=-A 0 on the Y-Axis means move the ball up by ball_speed (2)
REM -=-=-=-A 1 on the Y-Axis means move the ball down by ball_speed (2)
IF ballx_dir = 0 then DEC ball_x, ball_speed
IF ballx_dir = 1 then INC ball_x, ball_speed
IF bally_dir = 0 then DEC ball_y, ball_speed
IF bally_dir = 1 then INC ball_y, ball_speed
REM -=-=-=-Check if the ball has his an edge of the screen and
REM -=-=-=-if so, switch it direction.
REM -=-=-=-If ball goes off screen to left increase player two's score
REM -=-=-=-and set throw_ball to 1, in order to trigger the throw new
REM -=-=-=-ball event. It also deletes the ball sprite.
IF ball_x < 1 then player_score(2) = player_score(2) + 1:TEXT 500,1, "Player One Score: " + STR$(player_score(2)):throw_ball = 1:DELETE sprite 3
Rem prints the player score on the screen
set cursor 500,0
print "player 2 Score"+str$(player_score(2))
REM -=-=-=-Use 635 instead of 640 because the width and height of
REM -=-=-=-the ball is 5.
REM -=-=-=-If ball goes off screen to right increase player one's score
REM -=-=-=-and set throw_ball to 1, in order to trigger the throw new
REM -=-=-=-ball event. It also deletes the ball sprite.
IF ball_x > 635 then player_score(1) = player_score(1) + 1:TEXT 1,1, "Player One Score: " + STR$(player_score(1)):throw_ball = 1: DELETE sprite 3
Rem prints the players score on the screen
set cursor 0,0
print "player 1 Score"+str$(player_score(1))
IF ball_y < 15 then bally_dir = 1
REM -=-=-=-Use 475 instead of 480 because the width and height of
REM -=-=-=-the ball is 5.
IF ball_y > 475 then bally_dir = 0
REM -=-=-=-Make sure either of the paddles don't go off the screen
REM -=-=-=-Start a FOR/NEXT loop from 1 to 2 the check player
REM -=-=-=-positions for player 1 and 2
FOR check_y_pos = 1 to 2
IF player_y(check_y_pos) < 1 then player_y(check_y_pos) = 1
REM -=-=-=-Use 430 instead of 480 because the height of the paddle
REM -=-=-=-is 50 pixels.
IF player_y(check_y_pos) > 430 then player_y(check_y_pos) = 430
NEXT check_y_pos
REM -=-=-=-Finally we get to place the paddles and the ball on the
REM -=-=-=-screen as sprites.
REM -=-=-=-Create a new sprite for the ball, and if the ball already
REM -=-=-=-exists them move it to its new location. We'll number
REM -=-=-=-the ball sprite 1, although it could be any number.
REM -=-=-=-The command gets IMAGE number 2 which we grabbed
REM -=-=-=-earlier and places it into SPRITE 3.
SPRITE 3, ball_x, ball_y, 2
REM -=-=-=-Create new sprites for player 1 paddle and player 2 paddle.
REM -=-=-=-If the paddles already exist then simply move them to their
REM -=-=-=-new locations. This command grabs from IMAGE 1 that we got
REM -=-=-=-earlier and places it into SPRITE 1 and 2.
SPRITE 1, player_x(1), player_y(1), 1
SPRITE 2, player_x(2), player_y(2), 1
REM -=-=-=-Now it's time to check if a ball has bounced off a paddle.
REM -=-=-=-For this we use the command SPRITE HIT. It's pretty
REM -=-=-=-straight forward.
REM -=-=-=-Do a FOR/NEXT from 1 to 2 in order to check collisions
REM -=-=-=-against player 1 and player 2.
FOR check_collision = 1 to 2
REM -=-=-=-Check if SPRITE check_collision (1 or 2) has hit SPRITE 3
REM (the ball). The SPRITE HIT command is simple.
IF SPRITE HIT(check_collision, 3) = 1
REM -=-=-=-Fire the ball in the opposite direction of the player it hit.
IF check_collision = 1 then ballx_dir = 1
IF check_collision = 2 then ballx_dir = 0
NEXT check_collision
REM -=-=-=-The throw new ball event.
IF throw_ball = 1
REM -=-=-=-Pause for 1 second to give the player a chance to see
REM -=-=-=-what is going on.
REM -=-=-=-Every 1000 units represent 1 second
SLEEP 1000
REM -=-=-=-Set ball_x to middle of screen
REM -=-=-=-Set ball_y to middle of screen
ball_x = 320
ball_y = 240
REM -=-=-=-Set movement on the X-Axis for the ball, either right or left
REM -=-=-=-Set movement on the Y-Axis for the ball, either right or left
ballx_dir = RND(1)
bally_dir = RND(1)
REM -=-=-=-Set throw_ball to 0 so not trigger it again until needed
throw_ball = 0
Really did a nice job, and hopefully this will point new programmers in the right direction.
[edit] I ran this in DBP and it worked fine.
A book? I hate book. Book is stupid.