For my project, I would like to have a visualizer effect for sounds being played.
Normally I'd look for a DLL to help me out with this, but seeing as AppGameKit can't use DLLs, I'm at a crossroads here. I don't want to ditch the idea as it plays a large roll in the project, but I am not entirely sure if it's possible to write my own code for pulling equalizer data from a sound... while it's playing. Maybe if I can parse the sound file myself, compile an array of equalizer positions, I can create an animation that will closely resemble the sound when I play it... even if it's not equalizing the sound data BEING played, it may be good enough?
But now my questions are: What kind of audio file should I be looking to use? What would be the easiest file to work with for extracting the information I'll need?
I've tried doing some research on various formats and I have to say I'm almost totally lost here.
I'm trying to set up a basic example, using a virtual piano as a starting place. I've seen mention of SoundFonts, DLS files, as well as a couple others (not mentioned as often). Would I be better off using WAVs, or are these other formats the way to go?
The application is aimed strictly at being compatible with Windows, so I'm not worried about compatibility with other platforms.
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