Rightyho, here’s the deal. I'm studying Advanced Higher Computing, as most of the regulars have already figured out by now probably, and I’m currently creating a massive portfolio of design for the game I’m making, Spaceman (which is part of why development is going so slow-I’m required to make a full analysis of the code, including what each and every variable and array is, it's size, format, etc. etc. etc...) and I’m currently writing out Game Theory. As part of this I’m studying old games, such as R-Type, and noting their involvement in the alteration of the old clichés of space travel from the late 70's to the more sinister danger zone it has been portrayed as since the 80's. R-type was a vital game in all this, as it had a small sleek spaceship, instead of the earlier Cliché of spacious silver rockets, and replaced the friendly exploration cliché with one where the characters are trying to destroy the alien invaders. What I’m posting about is for anyone with information, screenshots, or emulations of old games from the R-type era (Between 1981 and 1991 roughly...) could please post as much information as you can about them here.
Summarized: I need a list of games that revolutionized not only computer gaming, but the way we looked at space travel.
And to any smart-asses out there who just want to tell me to get on with it myself: As part of the folio I need to show an extensive list of sources of information, websites visited, and who helped me. So people who read this and don't post: You're making me fail computing! Boo Hoo.
So this one goes out to all those who love their classics.
By the way, anyone who tells me to download MAME may just get kicked. The software is too complicated! I don't know how the hell it's meant to work.
Thanks all, happy reminiscing
Your soul...it tastes like chicken
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