Part 2: Here we go...
My notes (based on Paul's original instructions) on how to Build and Export your own T1 Application for BlackBerry Devices.
For Part 1: Preparing the AppGameKit Player project, please see my previous post above.
What follows assumes BlackBerry SDK is version 2.1.0 and is installed in c:/bbndk-2.1.0 and the workspace used is at c:/ndk-2.1.0-workspace
It is VITAL that ALL paths do not contain ANY spaces
Part 2:Preparing your Own T1 Application: myapp (for example)
Important Note from AGK V108beta18 README.txt file
Limiting an app to portrait or landscape in the Blackberry player project is controlled in the bar-descriptor.xml file in the Application tab. Set the Orientation field to portrait, landscape, or auto-orient for all 4 directions.
You must also change Core.cpp where is says
if (EXIT_SUCCESS != bbutil_init_egl(screen_ctx, GL_ES_2, PORTRAIT))
to read LANDSCAPE if needed instead.
* Now you have successfully created and built the AGK Player, you are ready to make your own app project
* Now quit the IDE as the next changes are to be applied outside of the IDE
* First copy the C:\ndk-2.1.0-workspace\AGKPlayer project and paste it back into the workspace, rename it to your own app title (i.e. myapp)
* Open the new C:\ndk-2.1.0-workspace\myapp folder,
* Delete the following temporary folders and their files which we won't need: Device-* and Simulator-*
* Also delete README.txt (see note above)
* Now open icon.png and replace the icon with the one for your app, keep the dimensions at 86x86 pixels.
* Copy all the assets from your T1 applications media folder into the assets\media folder in the project
* For example, your bytecode file should be at C:\ndk-2.1.0-workspace\myapp\assets\media\myapp.byc (any sub-folders that your app needs should be in the assets\media folder too.)
* Ensure you rename the .BYC file to bytecode.byc, ensuring the spelling and case are identical
* Open the .cproject in NOTEPAD and select Edit > Replace...
* Type AGKPlayer into the find field and myapp into the replace field (where myapp is the name of your project folder) [six instances]
* NOTE: The above is destructive so ensure your spelling is perfectly correct
* Now save and close notepad
* Do the same with the .project file, ensuring all instances of AGKPlayer are replaced [two instances]
* Open the bar-descriptor.xml file in Notepad and perform the same search replace on that one too [six instances]
* NOTE: Ensure you match the case as there are lower case versions of agkplayer which must not be replaced yet
* Find and replace com.thegamecreators.agkplayer with com.yourcompany.myapp
* The text 'yourcompany' is the company/team/name you wish to publish your app under
* The text 'myapp' is the name of your application, in this example myapp (so: com.acme.myapp)
* Replace 'The AGK Player for Blackberry QNX devices' with your own app description (This can contain spaces and upper case characters)
* WE are almost ready to launch the IDE again. Before you do, MOVE the entire folder out of the C:\ndk-2.1.0-workspace\myapp folder, somewhere safe. (Note: this is a CUT and PASTE) operation.
* Right click on the Project Explorer Window (on the left side)
* Select Import... and select Existing Projects Into Workspace
* Navigate to the newly created project folder you just moved out of the workspace
* The project will highlight as one that can be imported
* Ensure 'copy projects into workspace' is ticked, then click Finish.
* The new project will appear in your project explorer, right click it,
* Now select Build Configurations > Set Active > Device-Release,
* Double click the bar-descriptor.xml file from the Project Explorer
* Select the Application tab (second tab at the bottom of the XML dialog window
* Change the name AGK Player to the name of your app,
* Now select Clean Project to ensure we're working with the latest files
* When you select Build Project, the application should be built successfully
* Now right click the project file and select Export
* Open Blackberry Tablet OS and select Release Build then click Next
* Do not click Finish, and instead click the Next button again,
* Now click the Finish button to perform and final build and sign of your package
* Ensure you increment the version and/or build number after each successfully signed package file
* If successful, your final .bar file is located in the Device-Release folder here:
C:\ndk-2.1.0-workspace\myapp\Device-Release\ (example)
* This is the "file bundle" you will be asked for when you submit to the App World Developer portal (you will need to make a zip file of it first).
I hope it is useful.