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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Hiring Someone to Make Me a Shader / Post Processing Effect!

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Joined: 28th Oct 2006
Location: Millstone, NJ
Posted: 25th Aug 2013 03:16 Edited at: 25th Aug 2013 03:23
I don't know if these kinds of posts are allowed, so I deeply apologize ahead of time!

I would like to begin development on a game similar to Outlast. While I recognize FPSC actually has these capabilities now, it's a bit of a project for me to get the shader situation straightened out.

From what I've read, one can't run more than a single post processing effect at a time (triggered by a trigger zone). This creates an issue for me, because the effect that I am going after is basically a combination of the nightvision, filmgrain, anamorphic bloom and "tv" effect.

See what I'm talking about here.

So, that being said.. if you think you can create an effect similar (almost exactly) like the one above, I'll shoot some cash your way. If you're inspired and want to make it free for the forums - so be it! My game idea is just all in my head at the moment, and I am deeply inspired by Outlast!

Add me on Facebook through the FPSC fb forum or get in touch with me via email and we can discuss rates!

The differences that I will allow in the effect is...

- It does not need to "drain battery" with use.
- If it's possible to zoom the camera, so be it, but I assume not being that it has to blur and has a ton of detailed animated movement.
- If a blinking red light (I can design and send all GUI instruments needed) is possible that would be amazing. Or even with a blinking square in the center (similar to a modern DSLR or VHS camcorder)
- The "green" light effect needs to be slightly desaturated. Hex: 577052

Think of it as a tasteful combo of the tv, nightvision, bloom, motionsickness (lightly done), and film grain with a custom HUD.


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Joined: 19th Feb 2012
Location: Hendersonville,NC
Posted: 25th Aug 2013 06:30
Hi AaronG
I was playing with some shaders one day and came upon this...

Is this anything what your looking for? I was trying to make
something like a "flashlight" spot, but didn't work out. The border
can be made larger/smaller with just a few settings.(as with any of the others). The rest (battery, camera zoom, blinking red light) are just HUD's and scripts.
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Location: Millstone, NJ
Posted: 25th Aug 2013 19:27
Wow! I'm impressed as is!

I don't know what's allowed or not on these forums (I've been away for like 7 years) but do you take paypal? I can send ya some cash. I would need it to support an animated hud, like the rectangle found in the screenshot. Also the green would need to be more desaturated.

I assume the film grain in yours is already animated and what not.
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Location: Hendersonville,NC
Posted: 25th Aug 2013 20:10
No payment, these shaders have been released on the boards. There are a lot to choose from now. You just have to do a lot of searching to find them. This one is called "filmgrain_vignette.fx" from Uzi Idiots "Post Process" threads (page 6). Go about half way down the postings.
As for the camera hud, look here....
The rest is just scripting.
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Location: Hendersonville,NC
Posted: 25th Aug 2013 22:28
Have some time today to play with this. Here's what it looks like with the cam hud.
first img. simple grain, little bit of scanlines.

second img. Little more on the scanlines, contrast up a bit.

third img. same, but brightness down.

As for the Cam hud, there are so many to chose from, or make your own.
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Joined: 28th Oct 2006
Location: Millstone, NJ
Posted: 26th Aug 2013 00:33 Edited at: 26th Aug 2013 00:45
Thanks for the help!

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