When using DGDK's libraries, you do not have to call their prototype. You just call the function in the code. Here's an example of both of your questions rolled up in one. Efficiency!
*It's been a while since I touched DGDK, so please excuse my inability to remember the function names EXACTLY...
#include "darkGDK.h" // or whatever it's called.
// you do NOT have to define the function here. You just use it.
while ( true ) // and endless loop. Whee.
// this is how FOR loops are implemented in C++
for ( int n = 8115; n < 8120; n++ )
// use the function that is defined in DarkGDK's header
if ( dbObjectExists(n) )
if ( animationplaying(stopped) ) //totally not a DGDK function
return 0;
Indie Programmer - DirectX 11