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Dark GDK / Audio engines for DarkGDK / C++

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Joined: 23rd May 2009
Location: Russia
Posted: 28th Oct 2013 23:36 Edited at: 4th Jan 2014 20:57
I have a couple of days looking for a good audio engine for playing .ogg. Reasons are here:
Here are the results of my search.

1) Audiere

2) SFML audio. Maybe best from freeware. Based on OpenAL.
+ Play .ogg, .wav, etc. -- in stream and from memory.
+ In active development, good forum, wiki & examples
+ Very simply to use.
- problems with scope (instead of this DarkGDK has "Sound Manager") -- I can not load sound in first function/subprogram and play it in second.
- I do not know why, but I was able to run only with parameters "sfml-audio.lib sfml-system.lib" for Debug and for Release. You can read my post about this here:

3) Hekkus Sound System.
This is donateware. I have not been able to find examples of using this engine.

4) Gorilla Audio. Based on OpenAL.
Now only .ogg and .wav, but in active development. Freeware.

5) OpenAL Soft. Based on OpenAL.
+ Freeware (LGPL-licensed)
- few formats, does not support .ogg
- Not simple.

6) Squall Sound System. No site.
Freeware. Quality engine. Play .ogg, .mp3, .wma, .wav, tracker music. But all documentation and comments in source code are only in russian language.
Author -- forum member "maruch" from this forum:
Other forum members praised this engine, some games was made with it. So if you know russian language, you can download attachment (bin & source code).

7) AeonWaveHD. Based on OpenAL.
+ very cheap (< 3 euro) for commercial using
+ fast
- I could not understand (too little useful information for newbies)

8) irrKlang. Free for non-commercial, 65 euro for commercial using.
+ Play .ogg, .mp3, .wav, tracker music.
+ Use own pack of drivers
+ simple
+ many features
+ No problems with scope -- I can load sound in first function/subprogram and play it in second.
- 65 euro for commercial using

9,10) Bass & Fmod. Free for non-commercial, XXX euro for commercial using.
+ all OK
- expensive


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The Tall Man
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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 19:32
The open-source has .ogg capability (with DBPro), but I don't think it's enabled in the DarkGDK.sln. I don't think it would be too difficult to include and connect it, since it's already there and used with that engine.
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Posted: 10th Dec 2013 11:01
The four I've used:

1. SFML - "WAY TOO easy to use". Recommended. Handles its own stuff. And I think it now handles 3D audio but I'm not sure about that. It handles almost every file format.

2. openAL - Awkward, but workable. Requires a lot of manual handling.

3. DUMB - Handles old formats like Protrakker, Screamtracker, the formats thats used to be popular on the Atari ST and Amiga computers. Small files. Awkward to use but mega handy for demo writing. I did a plugin for DBP using DUMB.

4. 'others' - I gave up and went back to the top three.

Mental arithmetic? Me? (That's for computers) I can't subtract a fart from a plate of beans!
Warning! May contain Nuts!

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