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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / Fruit Shuffle - a puzzle game

Flashing Blade
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Posted: 5th Nov 2013 12:23 Edited at: 5th Nov 2013 14:50

link to game:

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Ancient Lady
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Posted: 5th Nov 2013 15:32
Looks cool. Tier 1 or Tier 2?

Ancient Lady
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Flashing Blade
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Posted: 5th Nov 2013 16:59
Is Tier1 Basic? Assuming it is:

Tier1. I Built it with demo version and bought full version to compile. Since read that you can use tier2 in demo.

The word "Gullible" cannot be found in any English Dictionary.
Ancient Lady
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Posted: 5th Nov 2013 17:09
Now, if you like C++ (Tier 2), you can experiment with converting Tier 1 to Tier 2. It can be worth it. You get a lot more control of simple programming things like strings (std::string) and other good classes.

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 5th Nov 2013 18:13
Yes AGK's BASIC made my brain cry. Not saying it's bad, just not saying it's good.
I'm trying 3 programs: AppGameKit, Unity and Phonegap. Then I'll settle on which I like best and build my game empire - I'll do a Tier2 project with AppGameKit before I decide though.

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Ancient Lady
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Posted: 5th Nov 2013 18:52
I am a long time coder (30+ years) and really like languages that let me do good OOP.

I initially thought that the cross platform bits only worked in Tier 1 and started my WIP that way. And eventually ran into lots of issues with strings. Then someone corrected my assumption and I spent the time to convert my code and rework it so that I have lots of good, reusable code and classes (game_obj_base as a parent class and lots of derived things like game_obj_wave for a wavy line of sprites, and more). And just being able to code with things like std::string is wonderful!

Tier 1 (AGK Basic) is great for people who are really learning as they go and for the pros who really like working in Basic (although many are frustrated because it isn't as complete as some flavors of Basic). It is also very good for making fast prototypes or testing simple ideas that then get expanded. It helps when you can test some stuff by broadcasting before committing to a concept.

In case you can't tell, I am a big TGC fan.

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 6th Nov 2013 04:44
Nice game concept, i liked it in the video.
I think it can be download much if you publish it.
My suggestion:
Free with in App purchase + Advertise
Add some bombs or any feature and a more larger square for the simbols.
Good luck!!!

Long life to Steve!

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